AA/PPS 01.02.30 - Academic Affairs Council
Academic Affairs Council
AA/PPS No. 01.02.30
Issue No. 3
Effective Date: 10/21/2022
Next Review Date: 9/01/2027 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Associate Provost
Texas State University implements a committee structure to support advisory processes and regular dialogue with the provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs.
The Academic Affairs Council (AAC) functions as a part of the academic advisory system within the university’s division of Academic Affairs. The purpose of AAC is to provide advice to the provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs (provost). Through the provost, AAC also provides advice to the President’s Cabinet and the president.
AAC advises the provost on various matters including, but not limited to, university policies, academic policies, faculty issues, personnel policies, academic programs and services, university planning, and budget and resource allocation. Topics considered by AAC may originate in a college council, the Council of Chairs and Directors, the Faculty Senate, or other venues, and such topics will not ordinarily be forwarded beyond the provost until after AAC has been consulted.
AAC membership comprises of the following:
the dean of each academic college, including the dean of The Graduate College and the dean of the Honors College;
the associate provost, the associate vice president for Academic Affairs, the associate vice president for Enrollment Management; and
ex officio members, including the vice president for Research, vice president for Student Success, the chair of the Faculty Senate, and the chair of the Council of Chairs and Directors.
When members of AAC cannot attend a meeting, they are encouraged to send an alternate who is authorized to represent the college, office, or other group in the discussions of agenda items and other matters.
Each AAC member will hold the time period between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. each Tuesday of the month for AAC meetings. The provost may adjust this meeting schedule as deemed necessary and choose either an in-person or virtual format.
Each academic year, the provost will invite the Faculty Senate and the Council of Chairs and Directors to meet with AAC for a discussion of issues of mutual concern. The joint meeting schedule includes:
Fall – joint Faculty Senate, Council of Chairs and Directors, and AAC; and
Spring – joint Faculty Senate, Council of Chairs and Directors, and AAC.
Additional meetings may be arranged as deemed necessary. The agendas for these meetings will be assembled jointly by the chairs of the Faculty Senate, Council of Chairs and Directors, and the provost.
AAC meetings include only the regular and ex officio members of the council, or designees, plus others who are invited by the provost. When needed, the president, other administrators, or faculty will be invited to meet with AAC to discuss opportunities, problems, or developments in their areas.
AAC meetings will be chaired by the provost, or designee. The provost, or designee, may cancel regular meetings and call special meetings as needed.
- AAC meeting agendas will normally be distributed via email on the Friday preceding a Tuesday meeting. Members of the AAC asking for items to be placed on the agenda should suggest the item to staff in the provost’s office via email before 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday of the preceding week. Members will also have the opportunity to introduce new topics at the meetings.
Records of meetings will be the responsibility of staff in the provost’s office.
A summary of key action items from each AAC meeting will be distributed electronically to AAC members. A summary of key action actions from each meeting of Faculty Senate, Council of Chairs and Directors, and AAC will be distributed electronically to members of Faculty Senate, Council of Chairs and Directors, and AAC.
A summary of key action items from each AAC meeting, including joint meetings, will be made available on the provost’s website.
Reviewer of this PPS includes the following:
Position Date Associate Provost September 1 E5Y
This PPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State Academic Affairs policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.
Associate Provost; senior reviewer of this PPS
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs