AA/PPS 01.02.32 - Budget Committee -- Division of Academic Affairs
Budget Committee -- Division of Academic Affairs
AA/PPS No. 01.02.32
Issue No. 4
Effective Date: 12/17/2024
Next Review Date: 12/01/2030 (E6Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Senior Vice Provost
Texas State University is committed to integrity, stewardship, input, and transparency on budget decisions that impact the division of Academic Affairs.
The budget committee for the division of Academic Affairs is intended to advise the provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs (EVPAA) regarding budget decisions that widely impact department, school, and college budgets within the division.
As part of the budget review within the division, the deans will incorporate input from non-administrative faculty representing each department or school into their budget reviews through college councils and other appropriate college-level committees.
- The membership of the division’s budget committee will include the deans, vice provosts and others who report to the provost and EVPAA, the chair of the Faculty Senate, the chair of the Council of Chairs and Directors, and the chair of the Faculty Senate Budget Committee.
The provost and EVPAA will call a meeting of the budget committee at least once per academic year.
The committee will meet to discuss and provide input on budget matters that may include:
Strategic Planning – Strategic initiatives such as compensation increases, enrollment increases, and new academic programs should be reflected in budget priorities if possible.
New Full-Time Faculty – The creation of new faculty positions should meet the needs associated with enrollment increases or new academic programs approved in the university’s strategic plan.
Non-Tenure-Line Faculty – Budgets for non-tenure-line faculty are increased in response to sustained enrollment increases that are not fully served by new tenure-line faculty, as well as vacancies created by faculty development leaves and similar programs.
Summer Budgets – Summer budgets should consider summer enrollment changes, curriculum planning, or base compensation increases for full-time faculty.
M&O Budgets – M&O budgets change according to the allocation formula (weighted five-year average expenses, number of majors, number of faculty, etc.) governing such budgets.
Accountability – The division of Academic Affairs is committed to financial stewardship across all departments and operations, including data-informed processes to determine budget allocations or revisions.
- The provost and EVPAA is responsible for calling the meetings of the committee and for distributing any necessary documents to the committee members.
Reviewer of this PPS includes the following:
Position Date Senior Vice Provost December 1 E6Y
This PPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State Academic Affairs policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.
Senior Vice Provost; senior reviewer of this PPS
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs