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AA/PPS 04.01.06 - Dean Hiring

Dean Hiring

AA/PPS No. 04.01.06
Issue No. 1
Revised: 4/30/2024
Effective Date: 2/26/2024
Next Review Date: 5/01/2029 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs


Texas State University is committed to recruiting and retaining distinguished faculty.


    1. The recruitment of new faculty members is among the most important endeavors of Texas State University. To this end, the university is committed to hiring well-qualified faculty members who will serve as college deans and will take the necessary steps to ensure that applicant pools are robust.

    2. This policy outlines the process followed to secure, with the resources available, the services of the best-qualified persons for vacancies and supports an effective shared governance system. This policy provides guidelines to assist units in developing search committees and conducting and documenting the process leading to the employment of deans. All searches will be implemented utilizing the Faculty Recruitment Toolbox developed by Faculty and Academic Resources. Once a search has been authorized, the chair of the search committee should reach out to the Talent Acquisition team, discuss the process, and determine if an external search firm will be utilized.

    3. Deans are administrative officers of the university, and selection is ultimately the responsibility of the president. The provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs (EVPAA) will share this responsibility. Because the quality of one academic program inevitably impacts the quality of others, the general faculty and especially faculty in affected colleges, departments, and schools also have a legitimate interest in the selection of deans.

    4. The university’s recruitment of faculty hires will be processed through the online recruiting and hiring system (online system). This fully automated system will include email notifications, routing, approvals, and document retention. The online system will allow for the review and evaluation of applications from any device with internet access.

    5. Confidentiality is an important factor for ensuring the integrity of the recruiting and hiring process. Search committee members, along with other faculty, staff, and administrators with any official role in the process, must maintain confidentiality and privacy before, during, and after the hiring process is complete. The provost and EVPAA and the search committee chair will be responsible for setting and communicating these expectations.


    1. Texas State is committed to assuring all candidates for administrative positions are afforded an equal opportunity for consideration and to full compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, Civil Rights Act of 1991, Executive Order 11246 and its amendments, Equal Pay Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Section 503 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Vietnam Era Readjustment Act of 1974, Military Veterans’ Full Employment Act, Chapter 657, Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, and The Texas State University System (TSUS) policies for maintaining and reporting of employees.

    1. All positions, existing and new, will be allocated and authorized based on strategic planning goals, departmental needs, and available funding. Funding for all existing positions will be authorized through the annual budget cycle.

    2. New multi-year term, tenure-track, or tenured faculty positions will be authorized by the provost and EVPAA. Funding for these positions will be added to a department’s budget at the time of hire. When a budgeted position becomes vacant, that position and the funding will be recaptured by the provost and EVPAA. The department must request approval to retain the position and fill the vacancy (Faculty Position Funding Authorization form). Permanent funding for the replacement will be added to the departmental budget at the time of hire.


    1. The appointment of a college dean is the prerogative of the president. Texas State’s standard policy is to conduct a national search for a dean. However, if a current faculty member is, in the judgment of the provost and EVPAA and the president, an acceptable candidate for the position, or if the financial situation dictates that an outside candidate cannot be sought, the provost and EVPAA will seek the advice of the college council and others as may be appropriate. The provost and EVPAA and the president will then determine whether a national search will be initiated or whether an internal candidate will be appointed. If a national search is conducted, there will be no prejudice for internal or external candidates.

    1. The provost and EVPAA will arrange a means to defray costs associated with correspondence, advertising, and interviews. Ordinarily these costs must be borne by the college conducting the search. In the case of extreme financial hardship, supplementary funds may be requested for costs over and above those associated with a typical search.

    1. In the case of an external search process, the search committee will include one faculty member from each department and one or more chairs or directors in the college. In addition, the committee will typically include one or two outside deans, chairs, or directors. For colleges without departments, the provost and EVPAA’s office will work with the faculty, staff, and other college stakeholders to determine an appropriate search committee composition.

    2. The search committee will be recommended by the senior vice provost to the provost and EVPAA. Upon the provost and EVPAA approval, the search committee and its chair will be officially appointed.

    3. Following official appointment of the search committee, Faculty and Academic Resources will schedule the first meeting at a time when the senior vice provost can meet with the committee. Faculty and Academic Resources will reserve a meeting place and notify the committee members of the time and place of the meeting.

    4. The composition of each search committee must be academically representative. To ensure different perspectives on a search committee, the provost and EVPAA may elect to appoint committee members who are outside of the department, school, or college for the committee.


    1. During the first two meetings of the search committee, the following should be accomplished:

      1. appoint or elect an administrative assistant to assist in the preparation of materials and correspondence;

      2. draft a tentative schedule that permits conclusion in a timely manner;

      3. develop the position description;

      4. develop a list of evidence-based required and preferred qualifications consistent with the academic unit’s faculty qualifications policy

        1. If the academic program requires the faculty member to have a current job-related state, federal, or university license, certification, or other credentials (LCC), this must be stated in the required qualifications of the job posting utilizing the guidance found in the Faculty Recruitment Toolbox;

        2. If the position is open to multiple ranks, there must be separate required and preferred qualifications for each rank.

      5. define the items/documents required (e.g., letter of intent, curriculum vitae, unofficial transcripts of highest degree earned, evidence of teaching experience, evidence of scholarly activity, and reference letters) for a complete application that will allow the search committee to objectively evaluate each application;

      6. develop hiring matrix aligned with evidence-based required and preferred qualifications, including any scoring and weighting criteria, using the guidance from the Faculty Recruitment Toolbox; and

      7. finalize a job posting that clearly describes the position, identifies the required and preferred criteria that an applicant is expected to meet to qualify for the position, identifies items/documents required for a complete application, includes the hiring matrix, approved Faculty Position Authorization form and anticipated salary (if required by outside outlet).

    2. The search committee, in consultation with college council and department faculty, will be responsible for ensuring that the job posting reflects the college’s faculty qualifications policy, including any required LCCs.


    1. Job postings must be reviewed and approved by the college council, Talent Acquisition, and the senior vice provost. Approval must be secured at each level prior to the review and approval from the senior vice provost.

    2. Job posting approvals will be initiated at the dean’s user group level through the online system.

    3. Once approved, a posting number will be assigned by the online system. The posting will be automatically available on the university’s recruitment website. Postings typically allow approximately 30 days or more between first publication and closing or initial review date of applicants.


    1. Positions will be automatically advertised on the following sites: The Chronicle of Higher Education, HigherEdJobs, Inside Higher Ed, and the Texas Workforce Commission.

    2. The search committee chair will be responsible for submitting advertisements to appropriate media and professional organizations.

    3. To ensure applicant pools are robust, advertising is recommended in a variety of outlets including local, regional, educational, professional, and industry.

      1. Committee and department members will be encouraged to inform outstanding candidates of the availability of the position via professional meetings, conferences, and other avenues.

      All positions that may result in the hiring of a non-resident alien must be advertised in a national medium, which will be met through automatic advertising by Faculty and Academic Resources.


    1. Regardless of the initial review date or full consideration date, all applicants must be assessed by the search committee until the position is closed. Search committee chairs may email Talent Acquisition to close searches.

    2. Each member of the search committee must review and rate the applicants on required and preferred qualifications using the committee’s documented acceptable evidence. This review may result in the need for preliminary screening interviews to determine the finalists for campus interviews.

    3. Prior to selecting candidates for any type of interview, the search committee chair will consult with Talent Acquisition to determine if there are any veterans in the pool who are requesting veteran’s preference. In compliance with Chapter 657 of the Texas Government Code, Texas State is committed to providing preference in employment to eligible veterans, disabled veterans, surviving spouse of veterans, and orphans of veterans applicants who meet the required qualifications for the position. Verified veterans who request veteran employment preference and meet the required qualifications for the posting must be interviewed in accordance with the veteran’s preference in employment.

    4. Through a series of meetings and phone or online interviews, as appropriate, the list of initial applicants will be narrowed down to the top three or four candidates who will be interviewed on campus using the required and preferred qualifications in the job posting. Interview questions should focus on objective, job-related criteria, and provide evidence of applicants’ knowledge and competencies to perform effectively in the position. The Faculty Recruitment Toolbox will provide guidance on developing interview questions. The interview questions, scores, and notes must be retained by the search committee chair per the University Records Retention PER 150-Employment Selection.

    5. The search committee will be responsible for assessing faculty qualifications for each candidate selected for interview, including academic credentials, and if applicable, the required state, federal, or university LLC.

    6. The search committee chair must emphasize the importance of confidentiality; however, reports related to the number of candidates, progress of the committee, and general quality of the pool may be shared.


    1. Interviews will be scheduled with the concurrence of the provost and EVPAA and the president.

    2. * Campus interviews should involve the college council, the search committee, and other faculty and staff. The provost and EVPAA, or designee, will interview all candidates. All campus interviews must be structured identically to ensure equitable treatment of all candidates. In planning the interview, departments may ask candidates about interest in meeting with additional campus groups and resources, such as International Affairs, employee benefits, Division of Research, and others, which enrich the candidate’s experience on campus.

    3. A public presentation will be scheduled for one hour, and the committee chair will introduce the candidates.

    4. Each candidate’s itinerary, vita or resume, and application materials, excluding references, transcripts, and documents containing sensitive information, should be made available to college council members, and all participants in the interview process. All information should be treated as confidential and not shared with individuals outside of the interview process before, during, and after the hiring process concludes.

    5. The search committee will arrange the movement of candidates between events and meal hosts. The cost of the candidates’ meals will be reimbursed by the university.

    6. Using the required and preferred qualifications in the job posting, interview questions and agendas should focus on objective, job-related criteria, and provide evidence of applicants’ knowledge and competencies to perform effectively in the position. The Faculty Recruitment Toolbox provides guidance on developing interview questions. The interview questions, scores, and notes must be retained by the search committee chair, per the University Records Retention PER 150-Employment Selection.

    7. The committee chair will request all participants in the interview process provide feedback on each candidate for later use in the selection process.

    8. Prospective faculty should, in the judgment of the provost and EVPAA, possess the ability to communicate and comprehend spoken and written English appropriate to the classroom setting prior to hire. The provost and EVPAA will be responsible for ensuring candidates meet the requirements outlined in AA/PPS No. 04.01.11, Clear English Requirements.

    9. Candidates must be informed that only the president will have the authority to issue contracts.


    1. After the conclusion of interviews, the search committee will meet to determine which candidates, if any, are deemed acceptable to recommend for hire. Feedback from all participants in the interview process will be considered by the search committee in making its recommendation.

    2. The search committee should seek either formal or informal input from the college council, department faculty, and students prior to the committee’s meeting to discuss the candidates’ qualifications.

    3. Following the interviews, the search committee chair will prepare a ballot and convene the committee. Candidate qualifications will be discussed, and committee members will rank their choices on a ballot as either “acceptable” or “unacceptable.”

    4. Confidential reference checks will be made via telephone or personal contact. Care should be taken to ensure consistency in the information sought.

    5. The search committee chair will forward a memorandum summarizing the results of the ballot and outlining the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate to the provost and EVPAA. After consultation with the president, a dean will be selected.

    6. If none of the candidates are acceptable to the committee, the search committee chair will write a memorandum stating that fact, as well as a recommendation for future action (e.g., interview additional candidates from the remaining pool or reopen the search in the following year). The memorandum will be forwarded to the provost and EVPAA via the dean.

    7. The final selection will be made by the president, in consultation with the provost and EVPAA. The provost and EVPAA will make the offer to the candidate. If a position is offered and accepted by the candidate, the remaining candidates interviewed will be notified by the search committee chair.

    8. The search committee chair will be responsible for moving applicants to the appropriate state in the online system using the search committee chair user group (e.g., Recommended for Hire, Interviewed Not Selected, Not Hired). The search committee chair should consult with the provost and EVPAA before moving candidates to Recommended for Hire or Interviewed Not Selected. Once the search committee chair moves the selected applicant into the Recommend for Hire state, a link to begin the hiring proposal will be available at the dean level.

    9. The search committee chair will be responsible for communicating with candidates interviewed at any stage within the recruitment process. The online system will notify candidates moved to the state Not Hired at the conclusion of the search process when the posting is marked filled or closed-no hire.

    10. The college user group will submit the hiring proposal through the online system with the required new hire documents attached. The hiring proposal will be sent from the chair or director user group via the dean user group and Talent Acquisition to the Faculty and Academic Resources office.


    1. Final approvals for salary, start-up packages, and related issues, including academic rank, and tenure status, for the selected candidate must be obtained from the provost and EVPAA prior to submitting the hiring proposal in the online system.

    2. Once the informal offer is accepted, a member of the dean user group will initiate the hiring proposal by selecting the Start Hiring Proposal link located on the applicant’s job application.

    3. The college user group will collect the required new hire documents as required by the Faculty Packet Checklist from the selected candidate. The hiring proposal will be submitted through the online system with the required new hire documents attached within 15 days of a candidate’s acceptance.

    4. The hiring proposal will include the finalized hiring matrix, scored interview questions, English Proficiency form, Contract Offer Recommendation, and two letters of recommendation. Timely submission of the hiring proposal is important for efficient and effective faculty onboarding, including contract completion.

    5. Faculty will be required to provide official transcripts from all degree granting institutions to comply with credentialing guidelines of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Guidelines for Accepting Transcripts will be available from Faculty and Academic Resources.

    6. An Employment Justification form must be submitted for any selected candidate that does not meet the faculty qualifications policy of the academic unit in which tenure and rank are granted. The justification must provide clear evidence of the academic coursework, expertise, related work experiences, licensure, awards, or other qualifications allowed by SACSCOC that qualify the prospective faculty member to teach particular courses in the department. When determining acceptable qualifications for faculty employed under an employment justification, a department may not rely primarily or solely on “continuous documented excellence in teaching.” Requests for approval will be made on a course-by-course basis.

    7. The final matrix will be attached to the hiring proposal for Talent Acquisition’s review. If not approved, Talent Acquisition will contact the hiring department. All the posted required qualifications must appear as initial screening criteria on the matrix.

    8. After receipt of all required documents, Faculty and Academic Resources will prepare a contract for signature by the provost and EVPAA and the president. Any special conditions of employment, including hire with tenure, will be subject to the final approval of the provost and EVPAA, the president, the chancellor, and the TSUS Board of Regents.

    9. Following approval and signature by the provost and EVPAA and the president, the contract will be emailed by Faculty and Academic Resources to the candidate, unless directed otherwise. The contract will be subject to the stated deadline for acceptance.


    1. The provost and EVPAA will be responsible for:

      1. communicating start dates, teaching schedules, office and classroom assignments, computer access, provisions for start-up accounts, pre-semester orientation and events;

      2. setting expectations for teaching, research, scholarly, and creative activities, and service responsibilities and workload;

      3. explaining policies and procedures and mandatory training;

      4. providing guidance on faculty development, Division of Research, support services, and opportunities related to the successful integration of the new faculty member in the university, college, and department; and

      5. as applicable, ensuring affected faculty seek formal guidance from International Affairs on immigration-related matters as soon as the selection process concludes. Timely communication with International Affairs is critical to effective and efficient onboarding.

    2. The provost and EVPAA will also be responsible for notifying new faculty members that they are expected to attend New Faculty Orientation sessions at the beginning of the fall or spring semester based on date of hire. If the benefits eligible faculty member will begin employment out-of-cycle (i.e., other than the 9/1 or 1/16 semester hire dates), they will attend New Employee Welcome (N.E.W.) to enroll in benefits.


    1. In the event a search for a position does not produce a qualified candidate or a candidate who accepts the offer, the search may be closed and reposted within the academic year or closed without hire by sending the request to Talent Acquisition via the dean and Faculty and Academic Resources.

    2. To reauthorize a search in a new fiscal year, the provost and EVPAA must authorize the position per the Faculty and Academic Resources Hiring Protocol.


    Action StepResponsible PartyPolicy Guidance
    Pre-Posting Process  
    Gain approval for dean searchProvost and EVPAASection 03.01
    Create search committeeSenior Vice Provost and Provost and EVPAASection 06.
    Charge meetingFaculty and Academic Resources
    Develop position description, required and preferred qualifications, application documents, and hiring matrix for the job postingSearch committeeSection 07.01
    Approve the job postingSearch committee, College CouncilSection 08.
    Submit and approve job posting in PeopleAdminDean, Talent Acquisition, and Senior Vice ProvostSection 08.
    Recruiting and Advertising  
    Post position in appropriate media and professional organizationsSearch committeeSection 09.
    Applicant Review  
    Review applicants and identify candidates for further consideration.Search committeeSection 13.
    Ensure action on Veteran’s Employment Preference (If applicable)Search committee chairSection 10.03
    Campus Interview Procedures  
    Conduct interviewsSearch committee, College Council, other faculty/staffSection 11.01-11.07
    Clear English RequirementsProvost and EVPAASection 11.08
    Selection of Dean  
    Determine which candidates are deemed acceptable for hireFeedback from all participants in the interview processSection 12.01-12.04
    Route recommendation to the Provost and EVPAASearch committee chair12.05-12.06
    Review of recommended candidateProvost and EVPAA and President12.07
    Dispense remaining applicantsSearch committee chair12.08
    Contact interviewed applicants that were not selectedSearch committee chair12.09
    Hiring Approval and Hiring Proposal  
    Obtain final approvalProvost and EVPAA13.01
    Initiate hiring proposalDean’s office13.02
    Collect documents for Faculty Packet ChecklistDean’s office13.03
    Final matrix reviewTalent Acquisition13.07
    Prepare and send contract to candidateFaculty and Academic Resources13.08-13.09
    Onboarding Dean  
    Communicating duties and responsibilitiesProvost and EVPAA14.01-14.02
    Closing or Reauthorizing a Search  
    Close a searchProvost and EVPAA, Faculty and Academic Resources, Talent Acquisition15.01
    Reauthorize searchProvost and EVPAA15.02

    1. Reviewer of this PPS includes the following:

      Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic AffairsMay 1 E5Y

    This PPS has been approved by the following individual in their official capacity and represents Texas State Academic Affairs policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

    Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs; senior reviewer of this PPS