AA/PPS 04.02.13 - Summative Evaluation of Academic Deans
Summative Evaluation of Academic Deans
AA/PPS No. 04.02.13
Issue No. 3
Revised: 1/04/2023
Effective Date: 2/08/2022
Next Review Date: 2/01/2026 (E4Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Texas State University is committed to maintaining a performance management system that ensures periodic summative evaluations of academic deans.
The provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs (provost) is responsible for conducting periodic summative evaluations of each academic dean, excluding the dean of The Graduate College and the dean of the Honors College. Annual performance evaluations of all deans and Academic Affairs unit heads are covered in AA/PPS No. 04.02.12, Annual Evaluation of All Deans and Academic Affairs Unit Heads.
Periodic summative evaluations are designed to provide information to the provost on the evaluation of each academic dean’s job performance and to help each dean set future goals, perform job responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner, and meet Texas State University’s needs, goals, and core values.
In addition to the annual performance evaluation described inAA/PPS No. 04.02.12, Annual Evaluation of All Deans and Academic Affairs Unit Heads, at least once every five years, the provost will conduct a summative review of the academic dean’s performance.
* The provost will be responsible for initiating the review process by December 1. A committee report will be completed by April 15 with closure on the process no later than September 30 of each academic year.
* The summative review will be based upon a written comprehensive evaluation of the academic dean’s performance to be completed by a review committee composed of:
each chair or director from each department or school within the college;
a faculty member from each department or school within the college elected by departmental faculty;
one Texas State academic dean appointed by the provost;
a non-voting external observer from outside the college appointed by the Faculty Senate, in collaboration with the provost. The observer will be a faculty senator or past senator who has broad knowledge of university policies and procedures. At a minimum, the external observer will attend the introductory meeting. Throughout the review process, the external observer will be available to all stakeholders to receive comments in confidence and to convey them to the provost preserving anonymity; and
the provost, or designee, serving as committee chair. The committee chair will hold at least the rank and tenure status of the dean under review.
The review committee will be charged with assessing the state of the college and identifying perceived strengths, opportunities for growth, and issues related to the performance of the academic dean. The committee will seek input from faculty, staff, and other constituents, as appropriate. To facilitate this process, the academic dean will prepare a state-of-the-college document based on previous annual reports for the period under review (most recent five academic years) to be completed by January 15.
Upon receipt of the review committee’s report, the provost will review the report in a meeting with the academic dean and with the committee. This review will be used by the provost to identify principal areas of opportunity and concern in the college.
The academic dean will prepare a response to the report and will submit this response to the provost by June 15.
If the provost and the academic dean agree that continued service as dean is appropriate, the report and the dean’s response will serve as the basis for developing performance expectations.
The dean’s response and a summary of the results of the summative review will be distributed to the review committee by August 31.
By September 30, the provost will make available a summary of their dean’s summative review to the personnel committees of the departments or schools within the college.
Reviewer of this PPS includes the following:
Position Date Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs February 1 E4Y
This PPS has been approved by the following individual in their official capacity and represents Texas State Academic Affairs policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs; senior reviewer of this PPS