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FSS/PPS 04.06 - Awards: Team Recognition

Awards: Team Recognition

FSS/PPS No. 04.06 (04.04.10)
Issue No. 8
Revised: 3/22/2024
Effective Date: 10/18/2021
Next Review Date: 1/01/2025 (E4Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Associate Vice President for Human Resources


Texas State University is committed to providing recognition to employees for their distinguished services and contributions.

  1. 01.


    1. 01.01

      This Finance and Support Services (FSS) policy and procedure statement establishes quarterly FSS team recognition programs, defines the composition of the selection committee, eligibility criteria, nomination and selection procedures, award for the program, and discusses other employee recognition programs in the FSS division.

  2. 02.


    1. 02.01

      The FSS Team Recognition Selection Committee will be appointed by the executive vice president for Operations and Chief Financial Officer every two years. The committee will include the associate VPFSS for Planning (serving as chair), one representative from Facilities, one from Transportation Services, one from Auxiliary Services, one from Financial Services, one from the Treasurer Office, one from Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management, one from the Budget Office, one from the University Police Department, and one from Human Resources. In addition, the executive vice president for Operations and Chief Financial Officer will seek one committee member from the Academic Affairs Division and one from the Student Success Division.

  3. 03.


    1. *

      A team is a small number of people with a variety of complementary skills and backgrounds working together to achieve a common performance goal for which they hold themselves mutually accountable and for which they are held accountable as a group.

    2. 03.02

      To be eligible for the FSS Team Award, a group of individuals identified as a team by an individual nominating the group for recognition will be considered by the selection committee upon review of the nomination form addressing the following:

      1. a.

        exemplary service provided to on-campus or off-campus clients;

      2. b.

        what was accomplished (was the team responsible for a one-time project or did the team develop new or improved standards and procedures);

      3. c.

        how it was accomplished;

      4. d.

        how the team’s actions benefited the institution (e.g., improved service, completed project ahead of schedule, error rate reduced, time between initiation and completion of an action was minimized, etc.); and

      5. e.

        why the team should be recognized.

    3. 03.03

      Anyone on campus may nominate a team using the secure, online nomination form. A team should consist of primarily FSS employees but may include individuals from other divisions. A team should consist of primarily staff but may include students. Self-nominations are allowed.

    4. 03.04

      A memorandum will be distributed quarterly to all FSS employees from the chair of the FSS Team Recognition Selection Committee. The following calendar will be followed:

      1. a.

        Request for nominations distributed: December 10, March 10, June 10, and September 10.

      2. b.

        Nominations due to the Chair: January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1.

      3. c.

        Committee meets for selection: January 5, April 5, July 5, and October 5.

    5. 03.05

      The selection committee chair (or their staff) will contact the appropriate Business Services Council (BSC) manager to endorse submissions for teams in their area prior to having the formal committee review the nomination.

    6. 03.06

      As deemed necessary, information contained in the nomination may be validated by the committee chair (or their staff) by asking the nominator (or the nominee’s supervisor) for additional information or clarification.

    7. 03.07

      Nominations will be reviewed and ranked by the selection committee. The team receiving the highest ranking will be selected for the Team Recognition Award.

    8. 03.08

      Nominations will be reconsidered for one additional quarterly cycle if the team was not selected for the award in the quarter first submitted.

  4. 04.


    1. 04.01

      Presentation of the FSS Team Recognition Award will be as follows:

      1. a.

        The teams nominated and the winning team will be recognized in an email sent to FSS Division employees after the selection is made.

      2. b.

        The executive vice president for Operations and Chief Financial Officer and the corresponding BSC member will recognize the winning team at a reception held quarterly. The appropriate BSC Administrative Assistant will plan the reception. The amount allocated for the reception will be determined by the number of staff members on the winning team. For less than 10 team members the award amount will be $100; for 10 but less than 15 - $150; for 15 but less than 20 - $200; and for 20 and greater - $300.

      3. c.

        State law permits use of state funds for awards for professional achievement or other outstanding service if purchased through the General Services Commission, the cost of which shall not exceed $50 per employee (e.g., lapel pins, coffee cups, key rings, t-shirts, etc.). The selection committee will select which award to present to each of the winning team members.

      4. d.

        Each member of the winning team will receive a certificate signed by the selection committee’s chair and the executive vice president for Operations and Chief Financial Officer. In addition, the team members selected for the quarterly award will receive a half-day off from work, which the employee should coordinate with their immediate supervisors.

      5. e.

        Pictures of the team selected will be produced. One picture will be placed in a display case outside the executive vice president for Operations and Chief Financial Officer 's office, and one will be published in the FSS Newsletter.

  5. 05.


    1. 05.01

      Newsletter – A quarterly newsletter is published, and the executive vice president for Operations and Chief Financial Officer Executive Assistant is Chair of the FSS Newsletter Committee. Within this newsletter, recognition is given to new employees and employees’ acknowledgements and accomplishments.

    2. 05.02

      Socials – When funding permits, a spring social is held (which is usually a noon meal) for all FSS employees as well as contracted employees (e.g., food service provider, custodial provider, transportation provider). When funding permits, a fall kick-off (which is done in conjunction with a breakfast) is typically held in August before the beginning of the school year for all FSS employees and contracted employees. All FSS Team Award winners for the previous fiscal year may be recognized at the kick-off.

    3. 05.03

      Customer Service Awards – Customer Service Awards are announced by email from the executive vice president for Operations and Chief Financial Officer in August annually and at the Fall Kickoff, when held. Extended BSC members may nominate up to four employees. When employees are nominated by someone outside their supervising line, the executive vice president for Operations and Chief Financial Officer will verify the nomination with the immediate supervisor. The executive vice president for Operations and Chief Financial Officer makes the final selection of up to eight individuals to receive a $400 award. The check is included on the August supplemental payroll. Recipients are recognized in the FSS Newsletter.

  6. 06.


    1. 06.01

      Reviewer of this PPS includes the following:

      Associate Vice President for Human ResourcesJanuary 1 E4Y
  7. 07.


    This PPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State Finance and Support Services policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

    Associate Vice President for Human Resources; senior reviewer of this PPS

    Executive Vice President for Operations and Chief Financial Officer