FSS/PPS 04.09 - University Energy Lockout/Tagout Procedures
University Energy Lockout/Tagout Procedures
FSS/PPS No. 04.09 (04.05.02)
Issue No. 9
Effective Date: 4/28/2022
Next Review Date: 6/01/2025 (E3Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Associate Vice President for Facilities
Texas State University is committed to providing a safe environment for its employees.
Texas State University will comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard for the Control of Hazardous Energy (lockout/tagout) (29 CFR 1910.147) for general industry, which outlines specific action and procedures for addressing and controlling hazardous energy during servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment.
The university will train each employee who is responsible for servicing and maintaining machines, energized and pressurized equipment to ensure that they know, understand, and are able to follow the applicable provisions of the hazardous energy control procedures. Employees must be trained in the purpose and function of the energy control program and have the knowledge and skills required for the safe application, usage, and removal of the energy control devices.
All employees who are authorized to lockout machines or equipment and perform the service and maintenance operations need to be trained in recognition of applicable hazardous energy sources in the workplace, the type and magnitude of energy found in the workplace, and the means and methods of isolating and controlling the energy.
All employees who work in an area where energy control procedures are utilized will be instructed in the purpose and use of the energy control procedures, and especially shall not attempt to restart or reenergize machines or other equipment that are locked or tagged out.
All employees are required to comply with the restrictions and limitations imposed upon them during the use of lockout/tagout.
Violations of this lockout/tagout policy are to be covered by established university disciplinary policies and procedures.
Energy Source – any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or other energy, as well as water, gas, or steam.
Identifiable – Lockout devices and tagout devices shall indicate the identity of the employee applying the devices.
Lockout – the placement of a lockout device on an energy-isolating device in accordance with an established procedure, ensuring that the energy isolating device and the equipment or component being controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed.
Lockout Device – a device that utilizes a positive means such as a lock, either key or combination type, to hold an energy-isolating device in the “safe” position and prevent the energizing of a machine, equipment, or component, included are blank flanges and lockable bolted slip blinds.
Standardized – Lockout and tagout devices shall be standardized within the facility in at least one of the following criteria: color, shape, size and, additionally, in the case of tagout devices, print format shall be standardized.
Tagout – the placement of a tagout device on an energy-isolating device in accordance with established procedures to indicate the energy-isolating device and the equipment being controlled, which may not be operated until the tagout device is removed.
Tagout Device – a prominent warning device, such as a tag and means of attachment, which can be securely fastened to an energy-isolating device in accordance with an established procedure, to indicate that the energy-isolating device and the equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed.
The university will maintain and enforce an energy control program.
The university will use lockout devices for equipment that can be locked out. Tagout devices may be used in lieu of lockout devices only if the tagout program provides employee protection equivalent to that provided through a lockout program.
The university will ensure that new or overhauled equipment is capable of being locked out.
The university will develop, implement, and enforce an effective tagout program if machines or equipment are not capable of being locked out.
The university will develop, document, implement, and enforce energy control procedures.
The university will use only lockout/tagout devices authorized for the specific equipment or machinery and ensure that they are durable, standardized, and substantial.
The university will ensure that lockout/tagout devices identify the individual users.
The university will establish a policy that permits only the employee who applied a lockout/tagout device to remove it.
The university will inspect energy control procedures at least annually.
The university will provide effective training as mandated for all employees covered by the standard.
The university will comply with the additional energy control provisions in OSHA standards when machines or equipment must be tested or repositioned, when outside contractors work at the site, in group lockout situations, and during shift or personnel changes.
Reviewers of this PPS include the following:
Position Date Associate Vice President for Facilities June 1 E3Y Director, Facilities Operations June 1 E3Y Director, Utilities Operations June 1 E3Y Director, Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management June 1 E3Y
This PPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State Finance and Support Services policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.
Associate Vice President for Facilities; senior reviewer of this PPS
Vice President for Finance and Support Services