FSS/PPS 04.11 - Conscribed Emails
Conscribed Emails
FSS/PPS No. 04.11 (06.01.01)
Issue No. 9
Effective Date: 9/30/2021
Next Review Date: 9/01/2023 (E2Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Executive Assistant for Finance and Support Services
Texas State University is committed to supporting the educational mission of the institution through efficient messaging and communication.
- The Division of Information Technology maintains the conscribed email distribution lists, that can be accessed on the Email Conscribed Lists Support website. Requestors may contact the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Support Services (VPFSS) for any questions regarding conscribed lists.
There is information from FSS departments that must be distributed to the Texas State community; however, there are guidelines that should be used to determine if a message should be distributed.
To streamline the email process, each department will be responsible for drafting email announcements from their area. Email requests should be submitted through the Conscribed Email Request form, with the requestor adhering to all guidelines listed on the form, to be routed to the Office of the VPFSS.
The targeted audience, hyperlinks, details (e.g., dates, days of week, times, etc.), and contact information should be verified prior to submission of the Conscribed Email Request form. Messages should not contain any images or attachments. All items should be provided as links within the content of the conscribed email. The following text footer should be included in each message sent to a conscribed list:
“This message was sent to all members of a conscribed mailing list established and maintained by Texas State University. Your inclusion in this list results from your relationship and status with the university and is not optional. Texas State University is a member of The Texas State University System.”
Once the email request has been received by the Office of the VPFSS, the message will be converted into the conscribed email format and distributed to the executive assistant to the VPFSS, the administrative assistant II to the VPFSS, and the senior administrative assistant for FSS Planning for review and edits. Once the message has been finalized, an email will be sent to the requestor and responsible Business Service Council member for final review and approval prior to routing to the VPFSS for approval.
Email messages will be approved according to the following:
Category I – information that is of vital importance to the university or information that is mandated for distribution (e.g., power outages, street closures, deadlines, human resources issues, budget, auxiliary- or financial services-related issues).
Category II – major departmental or divisional events open to the entire university community, particularly those events where the community cannot easily access the information (e.g., fairs, forums, retirement receptions, etc.).
The following types of electronic mail messages are not permissible:
messages that promote or announce results of individual department events; and
messages that promote the commercial or personal interests of a department or staff member (e.g., lost cat, roommate needed, house for sale).
The VPFSS will have final approval of distribution for all electronic messages. Message requests should be submitted in as much advance time as possible. For emails that need to be disseminated immediately, contact the Office of the VPFSS at 512.245.2244 after the draft email has been sent to the Office of the VPFSS via the Conscribed Email Request form.
Once the VPFSS has approved the email, it will be sent on the preferred date provided by the requestor on the Conscribed Email Request form.
Questions about email message distribution should be directed to the Office of the VPFSS.
Reviewer of this PPS includes the following:
Position Date Executive Assistant for Finance and Support Services September 1 E2Y
This PPS has been reviewed by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State Finance and Support Services policies and procedures from the date of this document until superseded.
Executive Assistant for Finance and Support Services; senior reviewer of this PPS
Vice President for Finance and Support Services