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UPPS 01.03.01 - Space Management

Space Management

UPPS No. 01.03.01
Issue No. 9
Effective Date: 4/19/2022
Next Review Date: 4/01/2027 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Associate Vice President for Finance and Support Services Planning


Texas State University is committed to managing and maintaining campus physical facilities in keeping with its mission, policy, and with reasonable use.


    1. Assigned space at Texas State University and off-campus facilities is based on program needs and institutional priorities as determined by the president and will be reassigned if those needs and priorities change.

    2. This policy sets forth space management principles, management responsibilities, procedures for the assignment and reassignment of space, requests for new space, and requests for renovation of existing space on the San Marcos and Round Rock campuses.


    1. Physical Space Inventory – a database, required by The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), that provides the statistical basis for many internal, state, and federal reports regarding university buildings and rooms, their usage, and occupants. The proper classification of space is critical to the university’s efforts to manage the physical assets and obtain resources from state and federal agencies (e.g., Facilities and Administrative (F&A) recovery rate).

    2. Space Audit – a comprehensive review and evaluation of a room’s physical characteristics and academic or administrative attributes. The information obtained from a space audit is used to update the university’s building and room inventory. An audit can include room-specific tours to confirm that space is used as designed, is occupied, and to assess the quality of the space and physical conditions of each room. The audit will note vacant space or other exceptions. Space audits provide information for the assessment of space allocations, prospective planning to accommodate changing situations, and realignment of program priorities.


    1. The Texas State University System (TSUS) Board of Regents has ownership and control of all facilities belonging to or maintained by the university.

    2. Ultimate responsibility for the assignment or reassignment of space resides with the president upon recommendation of the Campus Facilities Planning Committee (Facilities Committee) and the President’s Cabinet.

    3. Allocation of increased square footage depends on a demonstrated university-wide need.

    4. Allocation of space does not imply permanence, but rather a commitment based upon continued program justification and changing program priorities.

    5. Space vacated by a physical move, renovation, or new construction is allocated back to the university. Likewise, space vacated due to a reduction in program size, reduction in workforce, or program elimination is also allocated back to the university.

    6. All university space, particularly classrooms and class labs, will be managed to ensure effective and efficient utilization. The university will conduct classroom and class lab utilization studies each fall semester to ensure optimum utilization of these spaces.

    7. All space data, analysis, and reports are in the public domain and available for inspection.

    8. The preservation of department or operating unit integrity is a high priority. The university will make a concerted effort to locate members of the same department, office, or unit close to each other, whenever possible, and will only split units on an interim or as necessary basis.

    9. Wherever possible, colleges and units should promote the clustering and sharing of research space among groups of faculty working in related areas or requiring access to similar types of specialized equipment. A plan for research space for new faculty must be approved in advance of any offer and be available when the faculty member is hired or soon thereafter.

    10. Appropriate Use of Office Space:

      1. The nature of the occupant’s work should influence whether an individual is allocated a private office. Part-time faculty, graduate teaching assistants, and research assistants should expect to share space, two or more to an office, unless specific needs require otherwise.

      2. The assignment of more than one campus office to a specific individual is highly discouraged. However, when an individual has two distinct functions not performed in close proximity, the individual may need two separate offices. Assignment of two offices to one individual must be approved by the respective vice president.

    11. Each building should have conference and meeting rooms available for institutional use to limit the need for large personal offices. See the listing of available conference and meeting rooms located on campus for options.

    12. The real estate and planning manager will coordinate leasing off-campus space (refer to UPPS No. 08.01.16, Facilities Leases for more information).

    13. Texas State-owned space may not be leased to non-affiliated parties unless approved by the president. The real estate and planning manager will coordinate leasing on-campus space.


    1. Ultimate responsibility for the assignment and reassignment of space rests with the president, upon recommendation of the Facilities Committee and President’s Cabinet.

    2. The Facilities Committee is chaired by the associate vice president for Finance and Support Services Planning (AVPFSSP) and consists of faculty, staff, and students as identified in the Roster of Councils, Committees, and Teams. The Facilities Committee meets on the first Friday of each month and is charged with providing strategic direction for the:

      1. updates to the University Master Plan;

      2. dissemination of capital funds; and

      3. allocation of space as a university resource and modifications to facilities in general to appropriately support the university’s Strategic Plan and the University Master Plan.

    3. The AVPFSSP is responsible for space management reporting for the university. The AVPFSSP and staff (e.g., coordinator of Facilities Inventory) will:

      1. maintain an accurate physical space inventory of all buildings the university owns or leases, as required by state and federal regulations;

      2. conduct periodic space audits of university-owned buildings and leased space to ensure accuracy of the data;

      3. provide accurate and current data to the registrar for class scheduling purposes;

      4. prepare, annually, the fall semester instructional space use efficiency report;

      5. maintain a classroom and class lab inventory and review classroom conditions, annually, in cooperation with the Facilities department to recommend classroom and class lab renovations based on input from the Classroom Renovation Committee;

      6. perform space utilization studies for the allocation and reallocation of space based on programmatic needs and departmental growth;

      7. provide joint leadership and support with the director of Facilities Planning, Design, and Construction for the University Master Plan;

      8. assess and evaluate requests for space assignments, reassignments, renovations, and reconfigurations, and for implementing an established process for the same;

      9. present the assessments and evaluations, as needed, to the Facilities Committee for their review and endorsement;

      10. assist in the development of programming documents for the design and construction of new space or renovation of existing space;

      11. participate in and provide input during the design phase of capital improvement projects to ensure compliance with the space standards and master plan design guidelines developed by the university;

      12. prepare the annual master plan report (MP1) for The THECB; and

      13. provide ad hoc reports as requested and within the capabilities of the database.


    1. Day-to-day responsibility for the assignment of specific spaces to individuals and uses within a department rest with the director or chair of that department. All space assignments, where there is no change in the room’s primary function, must be reported within 30 days to ensure the space is properly reported on the university space inventory. Facilities Committee endorsement is not required.

    2. The president, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs (VPAA), vice presidents, director of Athletics, and deans retain the flexibility to reassign space within their areas of responsibility to maximize use and to facilitate changes in program needs. The AVPFSSP must receive all changes within 30 days to ensure the space is properly reported on the university space inventory. Facilities Committee endorsement is not required.

    3. Exceptions to Sections 05.01 and 05.02 occur when classrooms, laboratories, residence hall rooms, and library space are converted to some other use. In these cases, the provost and VPAA must approve the proposal after review and recommendation by the AVPFSSP.

    4. The president will approve space reallocation from one college or administrative division to another with input from the appropriate vice presidents.

    5. The president may reassign space that is underutilized or required to address a university priority or strategic need. The AVPFSSP must receive all changes within 30 days to ensure the space is properly reported on the university space inventory.


    1. New construction, purchases, and leases are not addressed in this policy.

    2. Requestors seeking new space on either campus must make a request to the AVPFSSP using the New Space/Renovation Request form outlining the need for space (attaching accreditation standards, if they exist), the implication if allocation is denied, space location by building name and room number if known, space use (e.g., instruction, research or lab, office, storage), and the need for and description of any needed renovation. A request for a particular site should contain justification and state whether the department currently occupying the space supports the concept. Should the department currently occupying the space not support the concept, negotiation for the request can be elevated to the appropriate deans or vice presidents. The AVPFSSP will interview the appropriate chair, dean, or unit director to further define the need for the space and will conduct on-site observations (tours) of the current space, if necessary.

    3. After reviewing all space in their area of responsibility, those seeking new space should complete the New Space/Renovation Request form and route through appropriate channels (e.g., director or chair, associate vice president or dean, vice president, or provost and VPAA).

    4. If renovation is needed, the AVPFSSP will submit the request to the associate director of Special Projects in the office of Facilities Planning, Design, and Construction only after approval is received from the provost and VPAA, or appropriate vice president, to develop a cost estimate. Facilities will not prepare cost estimates without an approved renovation request.

    5. Once the cost estimate is received and the scope of work and funding availability is confirmed by the requestor, the AVPFSSP will present the request to the Facilities Committee for review and consideration at their monthly meeting. It is recommended that the space requestor attend the meeting to answer the Facilities Committee’s questions.

    6. When reviewing requests for space, the Facilities Committee will consider the following:

      1. university priorities;

      2. appropriateness of the space to the intended function;

      3. how the physical proximity of departmental units would enhance programs;

      4. accessibility of the space to persons with disabilities and resulting impact on program accessibility;

      5. whether the additional space or changed space has an impact on classroom or class laboratory utilization;

      6. potential of the project to resolve other space problems and issues;

      7. source and availability of funding;

      8. needs assessment;

      9. amount of foot traffic (e.g., people vs. vehicles);

      10. parking demands and traffic flows;

      11. internal and external evidence for commitment (e.g., funding from public or private source, growth, accreditation, etc.); and

      12. shared use.

    7. The AVPFSSP will present all requests for allocation of space between one college or administrative division to another, after endorsement by the Facilities Committee, to the president. The president has final approval authority.

    8. The AVPFSSP will maintain all documentation of all actions regarding space assignments.


    1. Requestors must submit the completed New Space/Renovation Request form when requesting renovation of existing space.

    2. Requestors must submit requests for renovation of existing space through the appropriate channels (e.g., director or chair, associate vice president or dean, vice president or provost).

    3. For safety, accessibility, building codes, and liability reasons, the office of Facilities Planning, Design, and Construction will coordinate renovations unless the associate vice president for Facilities approves use of off-campus services.

      The AVPFSSP will submit the request to the associate director of Special Projects in the office of Facilities Planning, Design, and Construction, only after approval is received from the provost, or appropriate vice president, to develop a cost estimate. Facilities will not prepare cost estimates without an approved renovation request.

    4. Once the cost estimate is received, the AVPFSSP will present the request to the Facilities Committee, per Section 07.05, for review and consideration at their monthly meeting. It is recommended that the renovation project requestor attend the meeting to answer committee questions.

    5. Approval Authority:

      1. The appropriate Cabinet officer and AVPFSSP will approve requests with total costs of less than $25,000 when the cost of the alteration is being borne by the department, college, or division. This does not require endorsement by the Facilities Committee.

      2. The appropriate President’s Cabinet officer and AVPFSSP will approve requests with total costs of less than $25,000 when university funds are needed and when endorsed by the Facilities Committee.

      3. The provost and VPAA and the vice president for Finance and Support Services (VPFSS) will approve requests with total costs more than $25,000 but less than $100,000, regardless of the funding source, and when endorsed by the Facilities Committee.

      4. The provost and VPAA and the VPFSS will provide their concurrence for requests more than $100,000, regardless of funding source, and when endorsed by the Facilities Committee to the president for approval.

      5. The president will approve requests with total costs of more than $100,000, regardless of the funding source, and when endorsed by the Facilities Committee, the provost and VPAA, and the VPFSS.

    6. The AVPFSSP will maintain all documentation of all actions regarding renovation requests.


    1. Even if there is no change in ownership, requestors seeking to change space function (e.g., conference room converted to office space) must notify the coordinator of Facilities Inventory.

    2. The coordinator of Facilities Inventory will be responsible for maintaining written records and documentation of all changes.


    1. Reviewers of this UPPS include the following:

      Associate Vice President for Finance and Support Services PlanningApril 1 E5Y
      Campus Facilities Planning CommitteeApril 1 E5Y

    This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

    Associate Vice President for Finance and Support Services Planning; senior reviewer of this UPPS

    Vice President for Finance and Support Services
