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UPPS 01.04.14 - Display of National and State Flags

Display of National and State Flags

UPPS No. 01.04.14
Issue No. 4
Effective Date: 12/06/2024
Next Review Date: 10/01/2034 (E10Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Associate Vice President for Facilities


Texas State University is committed to displaying the national and state flags in an honorable manner.

  1. SCOPE

    1. This policy establishes protocol to be followed in the display and use of the flags of the United States of America and the state of Texas. It is the intent of this policy to honor the customs and practices in the normal display and use of the flag, including display at half-staff, as a mark of respect.

    2. National and state laws have been written to govern the use of the flag and to ensure proper respect for the stars and stripes. This policy is written in reference to the following codes:

      1. United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Patriotic Customs; and

      2. Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes, Title 106, Article 6139c, Texas Flag Code.


    1. This policy will apply to the display of flags on all flagstaffs (flagpoles) erected on Texas State University property and used within university buildings and facilities. Outdoor flagstaffs are erected at the following locations:

      1. the university flagstaffs located on the mall – The flagstaffs officially face south overlooking the corner of Bobcat Trail and North LBJ Drive;

      2. Adamson ROTC, Department of Military Science (U.S. Army ROTC);

      3. Bobcat football stadium;

      4. the Tennis Center (AFROTC and Band Parade Field);

      5. multi-purpose building at Freeman Ranch;

      6. the Lodge at Freeman Ranch;

      7. the Avery building at the Round Rock Campus; and

      8. the Bobcat Baseball and Softball Complex.

    2. The flag of the United States will be flown from sunrise to sunset on all days when weather permits, especially on designated national and state holidays, and such days as proclaimed by the president of the United States.

    3. The flag may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.

    4. Customs in the position and manner of display of the flag of the United States are included in the Patriotic Customs Code, and should be referenced and observed when planning parades, banquets, conferences, funerals, ceremonies, etc.

    5. When the flags of two or more nations are to be displayed along with the state flag, the Patriotic Customs Code should be referenced and observed.


    1. The Texas Flag Code follows the United States Patriotic Customs Code on the position and display of the flag with the following instructions:

      1. no flag or pennant other than the United States flag should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the state flag’s right, that is on the observer’s left;

      2. when the Texas and United States flags are displayed at the same time only, they should be flown on flagstaffs of the same height and the flags should be of equal size; and

      3. when the Texas flag is displayed on a separate flagstaff from the United States flag, the Texas flag should be hoisted after the United States flag is hoisted and lowered before the United States flag is lowered.

    2. The Texas flag should be displayed on all national and state holidays.

    3. The Texas Flag Code contains additional instructions on the use and display of the Texas flag which must be referenced when planning to display the flag for official occasions.


    1. The flag of the United States will be flown at half-staff on the following occasions:

      1. Peace Officers Memorial Day, May 15 (unless that day is also Armed Forces Day);

      2. Memorial Day, May 30, from sunrise until noon;

      3. as a mark of respect to the memory of deceased government officials (past and present). Specifically, the flag will be flown at half-staff according to presidential instructions or orders, under the following circumstances:

        1. 30 days – death of the president or former president;

        2. 10 days – death of the vice president, chief justice or retired chief justice, or speaker of the House;

        3. day of death until interment – for associate justice of the Supreme Court, secretary of an executive or military department, former vice president, or governor of a state or territory; or

        4. day of death and the following day for members of Congress.

    2. The governor of the state of Texas may proclaim that the national and state flags be displayed at half-staff in the event of the death of a present or former official of the state government.

    3. The Patriotic Customs Code allows that actions not specifically included in the code may be deemed acceptable as long as proper respect is shown. Accordingly, the university president may, as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, authorize the national and state flags on campus to be displayed at half-staff upon the death and until interment for the following categories of individuals:

      1. a current university official occupying a titled or equivalent position of chair or director, or higher;

      2. former university executives and distinguished alumni who have made significant contributions to the university; and

      3. local dignitaries and distinguished citizens who have contributed to the success of the university.

    4. The university president has authorized the display of flags at half-staff during Bobcat Pause, a memorial ceremony held each spring in honor of Texas State students, faculty, and staff who have departed our ranks within the current academic cycle.

    5. Requests for the university president to authorize the display of the flags at half-staff for university and local honorees will be made in writing by a divisional vice president. Such requests should be fully justified to pass the scrutiny of the “significant” requirement in the selection of the individual to be honored.


    1. Hoisting and lowering the flags displayed on the university flagstaff on the mall at Bobcat Trail and North LBJ Drive will be the sole responsibility of the University Police Department.

    2. Departments having outdoor flagstaffs will be responsible for the proper hoisting, lowering and display of the flags.

    3. Hoisting and lowering the flags at a university ceremony will be the responsibility of the sponsoring department. The U.S. Army ROTC and U.S. Air Force ROTC detachments may be available to perform the flag raising ceremony. Requests for, and coordination of, the flag ceremony will be made to the military departments and the dean of the College of Applied Arts.


    1. When a flag (national, state, or agency) is in such a condition, through wear or damage, that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, it should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning. Destruction and replacement of flags is the responsibility of the department displaying the flag.

    1. Reviewers of this UPPS include the following:

      Associate Vice President for FacilitiesOctober 1 E10Y
      University Police DepartmentOctober 1 E10Y

    This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

    Associate Vice President for Facilities; senior reviewer of this UPPS

    Executive Vice President for Operations and Chief Financial Officer
