UPPS 03.01.18 - Purchase of Alcohol
Purchase of Alcohol
UPPS No. 03.01.18
Issue No. 2
Effective Date: 12/06/2024
Next Review Date: 6/01/2029 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Director of Procurement and Strategic Sourcing
Texas State University is committed to ensuring responsible and compliant use of institutional funds.
The Texas State University (TSUS) Rules and Regulations, Chapter VII, 4.1, Alcohol Policy states: “System components shall not sell, serve, or permit the sale, service, or consumption of alcohol on campus, except in ‘special use’ buildings or facilities designated by the president.” UPPS No. 05.03.03, Alcoholic Beverage Policy and Procedure, Section 02.03 provides a list of special use facilities.
The president delegates approval of alcohol purchases and reimbursements to the requestor’s divisional vice president. The divisional vice president cannot delegate the approval role.
The divisional vice president must give approval before the alcohol is purchased. Documentation of the pre-approval must be attached to the purchase requisition or payment document. A FS-08 Request to Purchase Alcohol form must be included.
Expenditures for alcohol must have a clear business purpose.
Under no circumstances are budgets or funds allocated, or under the control and responsibility of intercollegiate athletics, used to purchase alcohol.
Exceptions to this policy may only be made with prior approval from the divisional vice president. Approval of the exception must be indicated on the payment document. The divisional vice president cannot delegate the approval role.
With approval from the divisional vice president, the university allows the purchase of alcoholic beverages with specifically designated funds, including investment earnings on such funds. These funds include:
university fund (FC 4001641000/CC 1040100001);
departmental restricted gift funds where business purpose is consistent with donor restrictions (FC 4XXXXXXXXX/CC XXXXXXXXXX); and
funding received through an external sponsorship for an event governed by an agreement that specifically authorizes the purchase of alcohol for the event from the external sponsorship. Sponsorship agreements must be reviewed and approved by one of the following prior to execution: the divisional vice president, the academic dean, or the Dean of Students.
Purchase requisitions are the preferred method of payment for the purchase of alcohol. The account manager, or designee, must obtain approval from the divisional vice president. The divisional vice president’s approval must be attached to the requisition.
In circumstances where processing a purchase requisition is not feasible:
a department may request reimbursement for expenditures with the completion of the Texas State e-NPO document. Divisional vice president’s approval must be attached; and
a Texas State P-Card cannot be used to purchase alcohol.
Reviewers of this UPPS include the following:
Position Date Director, Procurement and Strategic Sourcing June 1 E5Y Director, Accounts Payable & Travel June 1 E5Y
This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.
Director of Procurement and Strategic Sourcing; senior reviewer of this UPPS
Associate Vice President for Financial Services
Executive Vice President for Operations and Chief Financial Officer