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UPPS 04.01.03 - Computer Equipment Repair Service

Computer Equipment Repair Service

UPPS No. 04.01.03
Issue No. 8
Effective Date: 12/06/2024
Next Review Date: 10/01/2029 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Assistant Vice President Information Technology Assistance Center


Texas State University is committed to properly maintaining and repairing computer equipment.

  1. SCOPE

    1. Computers and printers are significant assets to Texas State University. Maintaining this equipment in good working condition is essential to the mission of the university and enhances faculty and staff productivity.

    2. ITAC maintains a Supported Computer Equipment Listreflecting desktop, laptop, and printer equipment that is cost-effective to repair.

    3. This policy describes options for obtaining computer equipment repair services from Information Technology Assistance Center (ITAC). It also establishes the Supported Computer Equipment List, repair terms, and payment methods for services rendered.

    4. ITAC is charged with providing repair services for eligible equipment. All forms and documents referenced in this policy are available on the ITAC forms website.


    1. Basic Warranty – an assurance by the vendor or manufacturer of property that the equipment is free of defects and will remain functional for a specified period of time. This warranty is normally good for one year and will only cover problems that are due to a manufacturer problem with the device.

    2. Consumable Items – include ink cartridges, paper, toner cartridges, printer maintenance kits, batteries (when not covered under manufacturer warranty), and cleaning supplies. The department bears the cost of all consumable items.

    3. Covered Equipment – eligible equipment that is university-owned (with asset tag or part of a tagged system) and has been accepted for inclusion on the ITAC Supported Computer Equipment List.

    4. Department – any university organizational unit that wishes to obtain repair service from ITAC.

    5. Eligible Equipment – equipment that is eligible for repair at ITAC and limited to:

      1. listed on the current Supported Computer Equipment List; and

      2. in good operating condition as determined by ITAC.

    6. Eligible Repair – a repair to correct an equipment malfunction that arose from normal, routine operation. Repairs resulting from improper operation, abuse, or acts of nature will need an active warranty with accidental damage coverage to be considered an eligible repair.

    7. Extended Warranty – a warranty for an additional fee that extends protection beyond the basic and standard warranty period and can include additional options like accidental damage coverage. Most vendors require this warranty be purchased at the time of initial purchase of the computer device associated with this warranty. Some vendors will allow this warranty to be purchased prior to expiration of standard warranty. In some cases, the vendor will allow this warranty to be purchased after the standard warranty has expired, but this option is at the vendor’s discretion.

    8. Repair Services – includes the following services:

      1. diagnosing the problem;

      2. replacing non-functional parts;

      3. recovering data when possible (a reasonable attempt will be made with no guarantee of recovery);

      4. reinstalling an operating system (for personal computer devices), if requested;

      5. reinstalling the standard university operating system and software configuration (university assets only), if requested; and

      6. encrypting university devices to meet requirements within UPPS No. 04.01.11, Risk Management of Information Resources.

    9. Standard Warranty – This is an upgraded warranty that is included with the ITAC Standard Dell and Apple computer devices that are available from the Dell Premier page and Apple Store in the TSUS marketplace. This is a better warranty than the basic warranty and includes at least a four-year warranty and normally includes accidental damage coverage.


    1. University employees are expected to take reasonable care of computer equipment and printers entrusted to them.

    2. Texas State has secured favorable contracts for purchasing computers and printers, allowing ITAC to identify standard computer configurations which meet most university needs. These standards include multiple options for both laptops and desktops, available in macOS and Windows operating systems.

    3. Departments will be assessed the cost of time and materials to repair equipment that is not covered by a manufacturer’s warranty.


    1. ITAC will provide repair service only for eligible equipment, as defined in Section 03.

    2. An ITAC Work Order form is required for all equipment submitted for repair.

    3. ITAC repair service may be obtained by one of two methods:

      1. manufacturer’s basic, standard and/or extended; or

      2. non-supported repair service (time and material costs charged to the department).

    4. Equipment pickup and delivery.

      1. It is the responsibility of the department to transport equipment to an ITAC service center on the San Marcos or Round Rock campus when service is required.

      2. Departments may request pickup and delivery to and from the service center by completing the “Pickup and Delivery” section of the ITAC Work Order form. A pickup and delivery fee (as specified in the ITAC Work Order form) will apply.

      3. Equipment will be picked up from department locations and returned to the same location. Someone must be available to sign for the delivery. Standard pickup and delivery services do not include computer setup or (re)connection. These services can be requested in advance and will incur an additional service fee.


    1. Eligible equipment will receive repair service on a time and materials basis. For departmental repairs, an interdepartmental transfer (IDT) of funds will be processed when repair service is completed.

    2. For repairs that ITAC is equipped to handle, the department will be billed for parts and labor provided. A minimum labor fee will be charged for all repairs (the minimum fee varies by type of equipment).

    3. In cases where ITAC is not equipped to perform the repair, ITAC may facilitate repair by a third party, with prior department authorization. In these instances, ITAC will not be responsible for shipping costs.


    1. First priority is university-owned equipment under Dell, Apple, and HP manufacturer’s warranty for a repair covered by that warranty.

    2. Second priority is university-owned, non-ITAC standards, or non-warranty repair service for supported equipment.

    3. Last priority is all other supported equipment to be addressed as time permits.


    1. ITAC is a Dell, Apple, and HP authorized service provider for university-owned devices. If the device is not owned by the university, it must be a Dell or Apple device to receive warranty service at ITAC. ITAC may be able to repair other brands, and a parts and labor charge will be incurred. For all manufacturers other than Apple and Dell, ITAC will not coordinate warranty repairs on behalf of the owner.

    2. For computers covered under Dell, Apple, or HP warranties, covered repairs will be at no charge. For repairs not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty or repairs where labor is not covered, standard labor charges will apply. Some warranty repairs require the device be sent to the manufacturer. Any charges not covered by the warranty will be at the customer’s expense.


    1. Reviewers of this UPPS include the following:

      Assistant Vice President, Information Technology Assistance CenterOctober 1 E5Y
      Director, Managed ServicesOctober 1 E5Y
      Manager, Hardware ServicesOctober 1 E5Y

    This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

    Assistant Vice President, Information Technology Assistance Center; senior reviewer of this UPPS

    Vice President for Information Technology
