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UPPS 04.04.22 - Hiring Temporary Workers through Staffing Service Providers

Hiring Temporary Workers through Staffing Service Providers

UPPS No. 04.04.22
Issue No. 3
Effective Date: 10/09/2019
Next Review Date: 9/01/2023 (E4Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Assistant Vice President for Human Resources


    1. This policy describes the procedures for hiring temporary workers through a staffing service provider.

    2. This policy complies with the provisions of The Texas State University System (TSUS) Rules and Regulations, UPPS No. 03.04.04, Processing, Approving, and Executing Contracts, Purchases, and Agreements, and UPPS No. 05.02.02, Texas State Purchasing Policy, that apply to soliciting, awarding, and executing contracts with third-party service providers.

    3. The provisions of this policy apply to expenditures from all funds, regardless of source.

    4. The process for obtaining temporary workers from a staffing service provider falls outside of normal Texas State University employment policies and procedures.


    1. Temporary Workers – persons employed through a staffing service provider. The temporary workers are employees of the provider and subject to all applicable policies and procedures of the provider and of Texas State.

    2. Staffing Service Provider – a third-party vendor who provides temporary workers.

    3. Hourly Rate – a contract pay rate negotiated by the university’s Procurement and Strategic Sourcing department for workers obtained through an approved staffing service provider.

    4. TSUS Marketplace – the business-to-business purchase and sale of supplies and services system. The system is available through the SAP Portal.


    1. Procurement and Strategic Sourcing is responsible for negotiating and administering all contracts with staffing service providers.
  4. Procedures for hiring temporary workers from staffing service providers

    1. Prior to using a temporary worker from a staffing service provider, the hiring manager must determine the best option for accomplishing the department’s workload and whether using a temporary worker from a staffing service provider is most effective.

    2. If the hiring manager decides to use a staffing service provider, the TSUS Marketplace must be used to secure and pay the temporary service provider.

      Only the approved temporary service providers under contract and listed in the TSUS Marketplace may be used, unless prior written approval for an exception is obtained from the director of Procurement and Strategic Sourcing.

      Temporary workers secured from staffing service providers outside of the TSUS Marketplace will not be approved for payment without the written approval exception from the vice president for Finance and Support Services.

    3. Hiring managers will find a published list of approved staffing service providers in the TSUS Marketplace, with hourly pay rates by provider and job title.

    4. Hiring managers may accept the temporary worker selected by the staffing service provider or may choose to interview candidates identified by the service.

    5. Hiring managers will be responsible for making arrangements with the staffing service provider to have the temporary worker report to work and for approving the work time for the temporary worker.


    1. Reviewers of this UPPS include the following:

      Assistant Vice President for Human ResourcesSeptember 1 E4Y
      Director, Procurement and Strategic SourcingSeptember 1 E4Y

    This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

    Assistant Vice President for Human Resources; senior reviewer of this UPPS

    Vice President for Finance and Support Services
