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UPPS 04.05.01 - Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management Program

Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management Program

UPPS No. 04.05.01
Issue No. 1
Effective Date: 10/11/2023
Next Review Date: 10/01/2026 (E3Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Director of Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management


Texas State University is committed to safeguarding the well-being and safety of its students, staff, faculty, affiliates, and visitors, along with a strong commitment to environmental preservation.

  1. 01.


    1. 01.01

      Texas State University maintains compliance with Texas State policies, applicable laws, and regulations and standards or best practices to ensure the safety of the university community, its visitors, and the environment. The administration of Texas State’s environmental, health, safety, risk, and emergency management program are delegated to the director of the Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management (EHSREM) Office.

    2. 01.02

      This policy identifies authority and responsibility for the proper management of environmental, health, safety, risk and emergency management issues and applies to all faculty, staff, students, affiliates and visitors of Texas State. All members of the Texas State community are responsible for complying with all applicable policies, guidelines, laws, regulations, and practices.

  2. 02.


    1. 02.01

      The EHSREM Office is responsible for:

      1. a.

        identifying potentially hazardous conditions through regular inspections of Texas State facilities, including but not limited to laboratories, buildings, animal use facilities, greenhouses, agricultural areas, shops, classrooms and offices;

      2. b.

        developing safety manuals, policies, procedures, and guidelines to promote safe work environments and maintain compliance;

      3. c.

        monitoring compliance with all applicable rules and procedures, guidelines, regulations, and laws;

      4. d.

        developing programs and guidelines that promote good environmental stewardship;

      5. e.

        providing timely and effective training;

      6. f.

        decommissioning laboratories and assisting investigators leaving the institution to ensure proper inactivation and disposal of biohazards and proper disposition/disposal of chemicals, radioisotopes, etc.;

      7. g.

        providing timely incident response;

      8. h.

        assisting and advising departments/units to promote a safe work environment;

      9. i.

        assisting and advising departments in identifying individuals who by nature of their job function are at risk of potential exposure to biological, chemical, physical, and radiological hazards;

      10. j.

        conducting reviews and inspections; and

      11. k.

        overseeing the emergency management program to include running the Emergency Operations Center, managing the Continuity of Operations Plans, and managing the Building Emergency Coordinators Program.

    2. 02.02

      Safety committees are responsible, in part, for developing policy and providing advice and guidance to senior management and EHSREM on matters of safety and the environment.

    3. 02.03

      Department/unit (deans, directors, department chairs/heads, managers) are responsible for:

      1. a.

        establishing, promoting, and maintaining a culture of safety within the department/unit;

      2. b.

        responding to environmental health safety, risk and emergency management inspection reports;

      3. c.

        ensuring employees are aware of Texas State rules regarding environmental health, safety, risk and emergency management; and

      4. d.

        monitoring and ensuring departmental compliance with applicable rules, procedures, practices, guidelines, regulations, and laws.

    4. 02.04

      Supervisors are responsible for:

      1. a.

        identifying individuals who by the nature of their job function are at risk of potential exposure to biological, chemical, physical, and radiological hazards;

      2. b.

        assessing the workplace for chemical, physical, radiological, or biological hazards which can cause illness, injury, or impairment;

      3. c.

        providing and ensuring proper use of safety equipment and personal protective equipment;

      4. d.

        providing training and information regarding the EHS programs; and

      5. e.

        monitoring and ensuring compliance with applicable programs and their related rules, regulations, policies, and procedures regarding safety and environment including providing information to EHSREM on all identified individuals requested in Section 02.04 a. and hazards in Section 02.04 b.

    5. 02.05

      Employees, visitors, and students are responsible for complying with applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and guidelines, as well as Texas State University System Rules and Regulations and approved university policies, guidelines, and procedures and for encouraging their peers to do so.

  3. 03.


    1. 03.01

      The university will fully comply with federal and state laws and regulations and other applicable requirements relating to environmental health, safety, and risk management. These laws, regulations, and requirements, as well as institutional policy, guide EHSREM in the development of institutional programs and procedures which will facilitate university compliance. EHSREM will consult with external agencies and regulatory bodies as appropriate on behalf of the university.

  4. 04.


    1. 04.01

      EHSREM has authority to:

      1. a.

        conduct inspections and reviews to ensure safe practices and compliance with various environmental health and safety related laws, policies, procedures, and regulations;

      2. b.

        access all buildings and facilities on campus to inspect, sample, or monitor conditions;

      3. c.

        require appropriate corrective actions; and

      4. d.

        plan strategies, including the development of new safety programs.

  5. 05.


    1. 05.01

      The director of EHSREM, or designee, has the authority to immediately suspend, restrict, or close any activity that presents:

      1. a.

        an immediate danger to the health, safety, or welfare of persons or property;

      2. b.

        a serious violation or repeated violations of institutional requirements or standards; or

      3. c.

        clear or threatened violation of laws or regulations.

    2. 05.02

      In the event EHSREM orders the termination of an activity, EHSREM will immediately communicate the issue or violation to the individuals involved and their immediate supervisor. Notice will be promptly given by EHSREM to the executive vice president for Operations and Chief Financial Officer, the affected department head, and the appropriate regulatory agency, as required by law.

    3. 05.03

      The terminated activity may resume with the approval of the director of EHSREM, or designee, in consultation with the executive vice president for Operations and Chief Financial Officer.

  6. 06.


    1. 06.01

      EHSREM, in consultation with university committees as needed, is responsible for the development and maintenance of the following programs consistent with applicable regulations and university policies. The following list of EHSREM program areas under EHSREM authority may change based on institutional policy, as well as revised or new laws or regulations.

      1. a.

        Laboratory Safety – includes chemical, radiological, laser, and biological safety as well as other laboratory and laboratory-related safety issues.

      2. b.

        Fire and Life Safety – includes fire extinguishers and building inspections.

      3. c.

        Environmental Safety – includes hazardous waste management; stormwater; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Regulations; wastewater; and some recycling.

      4. d.

        Specialized Vehicle Safety – includes golf carts (off-highway vehicles) and 15-passenger vans.

      5. e.

        Risk Management – includes property, special event, automobile, and worker’s compensation insurance.

      6. f.

        Occupational Health and Safety – includes respiratory protection, construction safety, shop safety, ergonomics, indoor air quality, and student worker safety.

      7. g.

        Food Safety – oversees the temporary food establishment requirements and food handler training on campus.

      8. h.

        Emergency Management – oversees emergency operations, emergency communications, Continuity of Operations Plans, and Building Emergency Coordinators.

    2. 06.02

      EHSREM is authorized to develop program documentation, educational materials, training requirements, guidance documents, and standard operating procedures to ensure compliance with relevant environmental health safety and risk management requirements, guidelines, practices, laws, and regulations.

  7. 07.


    1. 07.01

      Reviewers of this policy include the following:

      Director of Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency ManagementOct 1E3Y
      University Safety Committee Co-ChairsOct 1E3Y
  8. 08.


    This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

    Director of Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management; senior reviewer of this UPPS

    Executive Vice President for Operations and Chief Financial Officer
