UPPS 04.05.02 - Tobacco and Smoking Policy
Tobacco and Smoking Policy
UPPS No. 04.05.02
Issue No. 9
Effective Date: 6/01/2023
Next Review Date: 4/01/2027 (E4Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Director, Student Health Center
Texas State University is committed to maintaining healthy and safe campuses.
The primary purpose of this policy is to establish university guidelines prohibiting smoking and the use of all tobacco products at the Texas State University campuses in San Marcos and in Round Rock. Tobacco products include all types of tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, pipes, and hookahs.
The university expects all faculty, staff, students, employees of contractors and subcontractors, and visitors to comply with this policy’s spirit and intent.
The university prohibits smoking and the use of all tobacco products on all university property including:
buildings and vehicles owned, leased, or under the supervision of the university;
outdoor grounds including athletic and recreational fields, parking garages and lots, Sewell Park, University Camp, and Freeman Center;
outdoor stadia and grandstands for athletic and recreational fields; and
personal and other vehicles parked on university property.
Artists or actors who participate in authorized performances that require smoking or the use of another tobacco product as part of artistic productions are exempt from this policy. 02.03 Participants in academic research projects involving smoking or tobacco products are exempt from this policy if approved by the Institutional Review Board on Human Subjects and the vice president for Research.
Employees or students who observe tobacco and smoking policy violations should inform the person that the university prohibits the use of all tobacco products and smoking on university property. If the violator refuses to adhere to this policy, the observer should then report the violation to the appropriate management official, which may include persons such as supervisors, program coordinators, directors, vice presidents, professors, department chairs, deans, residence hall directors, apartment managers, or the University Police Department (UPD).
Management officials will take reasonable measures to protect the anonymity of the person reporting the violation, with no retaliation or negative consequences if reported in good faith.
The university expects that all Texas State community members and others use tobacco products or who smoke will voluntarily comply with this policy’s spirit and intent.
The university will deal with violations on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the university’s established disciplinary policies. Persons who repeatedly violate the tobacco and smoking policy should be reported to the appropriate administrative official:
Student violations should be reported to the Office of the Dean of Students.
Faculty violations should be reported to the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Staff violations should be reported to the appropriate vice president’s office.
Contractor and subcontractor violations should be reported to the department administering the contract.
Visitor violations should be reported to UPD.
Repeated violation of the tobacco and smoking policy will result in progressive disciplinary action in accordance with established university disciplinary policies.
The United States Department of Health and Human Services provides information on smoking cessation at smokefree.gov.
The National Cancer Institute’s Smoking Quitline provides smoking cessation counseling, printed resources, and referrals to other resources by calling 877.448.7848.
Students requiring medication assistance for smoking cessation may call the Student Health Center at 512.245.2161 to make an appointment with a medical provider.
Faculty and staff may contact the Work Life coordinator in Human Resources at 512.245.2557 to request information on any employee assistance programs available to university or state employees interested in smoking cessation.
The assistant vice president for Human Resources will publicize the university’s tobacco and smoking policy annually by:
placing an article in the Human Resources bulletin; and
distributing a message via email to all subscribers.
The sponsoring Texas State department must both notify and enforce this policy with Continuing Education participants and other campus visitors.
Contractors should receive notice from the department employing them that the Texas State campuses in San Marcos and in Round Rock are tobacco- and smoking-free and that their employees must comply with this policy.
- Contractors, upon receiving this notification, are expected to notify all employees and subcontractors assigned to work at all Texas State campuses of the Texas State tobacco and smoking policy and enforce compliance.
The university will post tobacco-free or no smoking signs to ensure awareness of the university tobacco and smoking policy at campus entrances, in parking garages, entrances to residence halls and dining facilities, main entrances to stadia and public athletic venues, outdoor parks with additional signage considered as needed, and near major pedestrian traffic routes across campus and other university properties.
Reviewers of this UPPS include the following:
Position Date Director, Student Health Center April 1 E4Y Assistant Vice President for Human Resources April 1 E4Y Executive Director, Department of Housing and Residential Life April 1 E4Y Chair, Faculty Senate April 1 E4Y Chair, Staff Council April 1 E4Y
This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.
Director, Student Health Center; senior reviewer of this UPPS
Vice President for Student Success