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UPPS 05.07.02 - Parking and Transportation

Parking and Transportation

UPPS No. 05.07.02
Issue No. 7
Revised: 8/26/2022
Effective Date: 1/04/2022
Next Review Date: 1/01/2025 (E3Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Associate Director, Parking Services; Director, Transportations Services; Director, Auxiliary Services


Texas State University is committed to providing adequate, reasonably convenient, and safe parking to the extent that the beauty and environment of the university will not be adversely affected.


    1. Title 3, Subtitle A, Chapter 51, Subchapter E, Section 51.201, of the Texas Education Code gives Texas State University the authority to regulate parking on Texas State property. Parking Services reviews the parking rules and regulations on a regular basis with input from the Transportation Services Advisory Council (TSAC) and approval by the President’s Cabinet. This document establishes the policies and procedures not specifically covered in the annual Parking Services Regulations.

      Other information regarding parking policy can be found in UPPS No. 05.07.01, Collecting Parking Violation Fees and on the Parking Services website.

    2. Title 3, Subtitle A, Chapter 54, Subchapter E, Section 54.511, of the Texas Education Code authorizes The Texas State University System (TSUS) Board of Regents to charge each student enrolled at Texas State a fee to be used to finance bus (shuttle) services for students attending the institution.

    3. Texas State recognizes that access to the facilities and services on Texas State property is essential to realizing the university’s educational goals. Therefore, as an institution, the university will:

      1. provide adequate, reasonably convenient, and safe parking for employees, students, and visitors to the extent that the beauty and environment of Texas State will not be adversely affected;

      2. maintain an efficient and effective bus system for students, faculty, staff, and the general public to get people to and from Texas State property, as well as various locations in the City of San Marcos;

      3. provide access to affordable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly alternative transportation;

      4. assure that the parking and bus systems are self-supporting;

      5. enforce the Parking Services Regulations; and

      6. cooperate with the City of San Marcos and other public entities on matters of common concern.

    4. The TSAC was established to provide a conduit for community input regarding policies and other issues related to safe, comprehensive, economical, and efficient transportation services. These include parking, transit, pedestrian, motorist, and cyclist services and safety.

      1. The TSAC provides advice regarding policy recommendation on these issues to the director of Transportation Services who seeks approval by the President’s Cabinet, when necessary.

      2. Membership includes representatives from Faculty Senate, Staff Council, Student Government, Residence Hall Association, Facilities, and ex-officio members from Parking Services, Shuttle Services, University Police Department (UPD), Transportation Services/Marketing and Promotions, and the vice president for Student Success.

      3. The director of Transportation Services chairs the TSAC.

    5. Transportation or mobility companies wishing to do business or provide service on any Texas State property must have a contractual relationship with the university.


    1. Parking Services is responsible for issuing parking permits, enforcing university parking rules, collecting permit and violation fees, and managing parking in university parking areas.

    2. The university will not honor departmental or self-made parking permits.

    3. With the exception of the Lyndon B. Johnson Student Center (LBJSC) garage, the Edward Gary Street Parking garage, and vehicles displaying Pay-and-Display or Pay-by-App temporary permits, every vehicle parked on university property must be registered with Parking Services and must properly display a Texas State physical permit or a license plate registered to a valid Texas State virtual parking permit.

    4. Vehicles must have a valid permit any time a vehicle is parked on Texas State property, including properties not adjacent to the San Marcos campus (e.g., STAR Park, Spring Lake, and Round Rock campus).

    5. Annual permits are valid for one full academic year with an effective date corresponding to the first Monday after summer commencement of the previous academic year. Semester permits are valid for one semester with an effective date corresponding to the first day of class through the end of the current semester.

    6. One-day temporary permits are available at Pay-and-Display machines located on Texas State property and in Pay-by-App locations. These one-day permits are valid only in the specified lot or garage. Vehicles displaying Pay-and-Display or Pay-by-App permits are still subject to enforcement action such as ticketing, booting, or impounding, if outstanding tickets are assigned to that vehicle. Pay-and-Display permits must be placed printed side facing up on the vehicle dashboard and be clearly visible.

    7. University parking regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For a complete set of parking regulations, see the Parking Services Regulations. The purchase of a permit does not guarantee a parking space, and the lack of a space never justifies parking illegally.

    8. Parking lot signage indicates which permitted vehicles can park in the lots and the times during which these permitted vehicles may park.


    1. Permit eligibility is outlined in the Parking Services Regulations.

    2. Any faculty on a nine- or 12-month contract and regular staff are eligible to sign up for payroll deduction to pay for permits.


    1. The current fees associated with various permits are described in the Parking Services Regulations.

    2. No regular employee permits will be paid for or reimbursed from university funds except for:

      1. Employees who have been approved for a reserved faculty and staff space because of their job responsibilities will pay the faculty and staff permit fee, and their department will pay the difference for the reserved rate (e.g., director of Special Projects and hall directors).
    3. If a university employee wants to park in a pay-to-park garage, they do so at their own expense; there will be no reimbursements and no departmental inter-departmental transfers (IDTs).

      1. Exceptions for academic employees may be made by the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs (VPAA). Exceptions for all other employees may be made by the vice president for Finance and Support Services (VPFSS). Exceptions for academic employees teaching in the Student Center are only available during the assigned teaching times.

      2. If an exception is granted, the employee must immediately report the exception to the Payroll Office. The cost to the department for parking will be included as reportable income for the employee.

    4. Any department that wants to provide daily or weekly permits for non-employee individuals or non-student, non-regular employees should work with Parking Services. Parking Services will IDT the department rather than have the individual purchase the permit and get reimbursed. There will be no reimbursements.


    1. Refunds apply only to annual permits purchased in full. Permits purchased on monthly payroll deduction are not eligible for a refund but may be cancelled for the remainder of the academic year. Semester permits are not eligible for a refund. There are no refunds available for temporary permits.

    2. Full Refunds

      1. refund requests received and permits disabled by the 12th class day of the long semester in which the permits are purchased; and

      2. refund requests received and permits disabled by the 4th class day of the summer semester in which the permits are purchased.

    3. Prorated Refunds

      1. If Parking Services receives a completed refund request form within 30 days of a qualifying event, the refund amount will be prorated monthly based on the amount of time the permit was active, through the month of the qualifying event. Students cannot be enrolled or participating in online classes, university affiliated internships, or student teaching to qualify.

      2. Qualifying Events

        1. withdrawing from the current semester, in accordance with the withdrawal schedule;

        2. graduating (not walking or participating in commencement); and

        3. faculty or staff PCR separating or retiring.


    1. Visitors to Texas State are defined as persons who are temporarily on Texas State property and not associated with the university as faculty or staff, degree or non-degree seeking students, Continuing Education employees, or Continuing Education students. Persons on Texas State property for the sole purpose of regularly using university facilities such as the Alkek Library, Student Recreation Center, Sewell Park, and recreational fields may purchase a perimeter permit, a Pay-and-Display permit, or a Pay-by-App temporary permit, if a Pay-and-Display machine or Pay-by-App location is nearby. Faculty, staff, and students are not considered visitors to the Texas State property.

    2. Examples of visitors and official university guests include but are not limited to: prospective faculty and staff that are visiting for job interviews, donors, departmental guests, guest speakers in a class, on-site department accrediting and certification committee members, college and department advisory council members, and non-employees attending departmental award and retirement receptions.

    3. Visitors and guests should be encouraged to park as follows:

      1. at the LBJSC and Edward Gary Street Parking garages on the San Marcos campus and gated southwest visitor parking lot at the Round Rock campus for a fee;

      2. in officially designated visitor spaces. These spaces do not require a fee to park; however, a temporary permit, available from Parking Services or the sponsoring department, must be displayed on vehicles parked in these spaces; and

      3. on occasions when visitor parking is needed at a building that is not close to one of the garages and where no designated visitor spaces are available, departments should work with Parking Services to consider other accommodations.

    4. Hosts of visitors and official university guests should request visitor permits from Parking Services in advance through the departmental portal, which is located on the Parking Services website. When a visitor or guest is issued a citation for no permit because the department neglected to purchase their permit and the department or visitor seeks assistance to dismiss the citation, the department will be assessed a fee for the dismissal. The cost of a daily visitor or guest permit, Edward Gary Street Parking or LBJSC garage guest permit, and current fees are described in the Parking Services Regulations.


    1. General Information

      1. Permits are required to park on Texas State property unless other arrangements have been made with Parking Services for special event parking.

      2. Special events are defined as those events and activities that are related to, but not part of, department- and university-sponsored events. Typically, several people from outside the Texas State community have been invited to attend the event. Special events do not have the same attendees on a weekly or biweekly basis over an extended period. Examples include, but are not limited to, conferences, plays, workshops, commencement, TSUS Board of Regents meetings, job or internship fairs, summer camps, competitions, and building dedications.

      3. Departments are responsible for contacting Parking Services through the Special Event Parking Request form for all events.

      4. All parking requests for special events are individually reviewed and are subject to approval by Parking Services on a case-by-case basis. Not all requests may be accommodated based upon the time, date, and location of event. Scheduling priorities are addressed in Section 07.02.

      5. University departments planning to host or authorize any event must contact Parking Services concerning parking availability at least two weeks prior to scheduling the event (and prior to the dissemination of parking information to attendees) and must complete the Special Event Parking Request form.

      6. The associate director of Parking Services has the authority to approve or deny the use of any permit parking lot, facility, or street parking location for any special event or function. The associate director of Parking Services will contact the requester within 48 hours of receipt of the Special Event Parking Request form to identify which parking facilities may be available, to offer alternative suggestions to accommodate the request, or to deny the request.

      7. Appeals may be made to the VPFSS. No person or department may schedule or direct the use of a permit parking area without the appropriate approval.

      8. Unless previously approved by the President’s Cabinet or authorized by the VPFSS, there is no free special event parking. A list of the special events exempted to date (e.g., commencement and related ceremonies, TSUS Board of Regents meetings, Bobcat Days, and residence hall move-in) can be found on the Parking Services website. Departments are responsible for contacting Parking Services through the Special Event Parking Request form to arrange for exempt event parking.

      9. Large events may result in an excessive number of vehicles parking on Texas State property and have the potential to impact the normal academic functions of the university. It is important to coordinate all parking needs for large events prior to scheduling and announcing an event. Large events using Texas State perimeter parking areas that have the potential to affect traffic will be designated as a Tier 1 or Tier 2 by Parking Services and have additional requirements which can be found on the Parking Services website.

      10. The LBJSC and Edward Gary Street Parking garages are the two primary locations to accommodate special event parking. There is a special event fee per vehicle for Texas State departments that host an event. Sponsors should contact the Garage Parking office at the LBJSC.

      11. If the location of the event makes the use of the pay garages impractical, Parking Services, as provided in this policy, will work to accommodate requests for special event parking, at the special event fee per vehicle, in permit parking areas. The academic calendar, location, days, and times of the event will affect the ability to accommodate special event parking in permit areas. There may be times when parking in a remote lot is the only option. Parking Services may suggest offering attendees the ability to purchase an event permit online. If requested and approved, Transportation Services will work with the sponsoring department to determine if it is possible to provide transportation to and from the remote lot. There will be a fee associated with transportation services.

    2. Scheduling Priorities

      1. First priority will be given to the parking needs of students, faculty, and staff. Every effort will be made to accommodate special event parking in such a manner as to not seriously impact the normal function and activity of the university’s academic schedule.

      2. Second priority will be given to university and department-sponsored events. Such events include, but are not limited to:

        1. commencement and other commencement-related ceremonies (e.g., pinning, hooding, commissioning, and ring ceremonies);

        2. presidential events;

        3. athletic events;

        4. Fine Arts performances and exhibits;

        5. department-sponsored lectures, conferences, or workshops; and

        6. events of university-recognized organizations (e.g., dance competitions, Stutters’ events, and sports club games).

      3. Third priority will be given to non-university sponsored events (e.g., Special Olympics, Relay for Life, Sights and Sounds, and Summerfest). If there is a Texas State host, office, or department working with the non-university event sponsor, the Texas State entity should contact Parking Services instead of the non-Texas State affiliate to arrange special parking needs.

    3. Special Event Parking Costs and Payment Procedure

      1. A special event parking fee per vehicle will be required for university-sponsored events that are not approved by the VPFSS for a fee exemption. All special events must be approved by Parking Services prior to the event. The special event parking fee may be paid by the university department or by the individuals attending the event. If the event occurs over a number of days, the fee will be consistent with the weekly rates for the time and location of the permit lot or garage.

      2. The cost and current fees associated for a special event permit, special event parking in the LBJSC Parking Garage or the Edward Gary Street Parking Garage, and the special event gated lot located at the Round Rock campus are described in the Parking Services Regulations.

      3. There may also be fees associated with overtime personnel needed to manage or control the designated parking area. Parking Services will inform the requester of the potential fees and expenses involved upon receiving the initial request.

      4. The Texas State account number to which Parking Services will IDT fees and overtime expenses must be indicated on the request form. An authorized signature is also required. For services provided to a non-Texas State affiliated person or organization, fees and expenses must be pre-paid one week prior to the event.

      5. If parking spaces are reserved for an event, the requesting department will be charged for the number of spaces reserved, not the number of spaces used.


    1. Types of temporary parking permits and their eligibility are outlined in the Parking Services Regulations.

    1. Eligibility and policies involving accessible parking are outlined in Parking Services Regulations.

    1. Rules for electric car charging and use of electric car charging stations are outlined in Parking Services Regulations.

    1. The Office of Continuing Education must purchase permits from Parking Services for distribution to Continuing Education participants.

    2. Continuing Education faculty and staff are subject to the same provisions as regular faculty and staff.


    1. Departments with “signed” reserved spaces for their Texas State vehicles will pay the reserved rate.

    2. Departments that park their Texas State vehicles and golf carts or utility vehicles on Texas State property in “non-signed” spaces will pay a departmental vehicle registration fee at the perimeter rate.

    3. UPPS No. 04.05.13, Operation of Golf Carts and Other Off- Highway Vehicles, provides important guidance for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians on university property. The policy provides operators with information on vehicle operating standards, supervisor responsibilities, employee and operator requirements, and standards. The policy also includes condition and standard safety features, maintenance responsibility, accident reporting, and variance procedures. Direct questions about the policy should be directed to the Office of Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management.


    1. In addition to departmental vehicles parking in reserved spaces, any reserved space allocated to faculty, staff, or students by virtue of their job description or general lottery, will pay the reserved rate annually.

      1. Employees who have been approved for a reserved space because of their job responsibilities will pay the faculty and staff permit fee, and their department will pay the difference for the reserved rate (e.g., director of Special Projects and hall directors).
    2. The president, President’s Cabinet, deans, and associate and assistant vice presidents are eligible for a reserved space and will pay the reserved rate.

    3. A limited number of reserved spaces have been designated in several locations. These spaces are available to any faculty or staff person on a first-come, first-served basis. If a space is not available upon request, the individual may be placed on a waiting list. If a person is offered a vacated space and declines, their name will either be removed or moved to the end of the waiting list (for more information about reserved spaces, contact Parking Services).

    4. Departments that have reserved visitor spaces for clients or visitors will pay the reserved rate annually.


    1. Vendors and contractors (other than construction contractors) who have contracts with the university may be approved to purchase red restricted permits on a case-by-case basis. They may also purchase perimeter parking permits that will allow them to park only in the perimeter lots.

    2. Construction contractors who have contracts with the university may be approved to purchase permits on a case-by-case basis. Parking inside fenced staging or construction areas will be limited. The staging areas are not intended to be parking areas. They are generally limited to one to five spaces per project for the job superintendent and supervisors. The job superintendent will give authorization to park inside the staging area. Parking in fenced areas or staging areas is allowed for a brief period for pick-ups and drop-offs and is not to circumvent the purchase of a permit. Vehicles parked outside the pre-arranged staging areas without appropriate permits may be subject to ticketing, immobilization (booting), and towing. Construction contractors must purchase perimeter permits for non-supervisors to park in Lot P 10W (Bobcat Stadium West) and be transported to the job site if they choose to park on Texas State property. Permits must be displayed on all vehicles to park legally on Texas State property.

    3. Vendors or service providers with no contractual relationship with the university must park in the pay garages or may purchase a perimeter permit and park in any perimeter lot. On a case-by-case basis, the associate director of Parking Services, upon request, may approve the purchase of a red restricted permit.

    4. Vendors with marked vehicles who provide short-term business on Texas State property such as the delivery of food, flowers, or newspapers, may park in university surface lots or in loading zones for no longer than 15 minutes with emergency flashers. No permit is needed.


    1. Parking Services enforces the university parking rules and regulations and is authorized in Title 3, Subtitle A, Chapter 51, Subchapter E, Section 51.201 of the Texas Education Code, to issue parking tickets, install vehicle boots, or impound vehicles for violation.

    2. Parking violations and fines for parking violations are described in the Parking Services Regulations.

    3. Individuals with unpaid fines will be prohibited from obtaining a diploma or transcript or purchasing or obtaining a Texas State parking permit.

    4. Chronic Offender Policy – Any person who parks a vehicle or vehicles on university property that has been issued five or more tickets within a continuous 12-month period, regardless of whether the tickets are paid or on appeal, will be considered a chronic offender of the university’s parking rules. Chronic offenders may continue to park legally on Texas State property; however, when a vehicle that has been assigned to a chronic offender is found illegally parked, it is subject to:

      1. immediate impound; and

      2. $150 chronic offender fee.

    5. Persons may appeal parking tickets to Parking Services or to a ticket appeals committee. Either Parking Services or the appeals committee may cancel or reduce fines if enforcement action was not in accordance with university regulations or if extenuating circumstances warrant such action. Student appeals are heard by the Student Government Supreme Court. Faculty and staff appeals are heard by the Transportation Services Advisory Council, as required.


    1. The Bobcat Shuttle is a bus service operated for all Texas State students, faculty, staff, and the general public. The system is designed to help alleviate parking and traffic congestion on Texas State property. The system transports students, faculty, staff, and the general public from the remote parking areas and concentrated student population areas in the City of San Marcos to the central San Marcos campus, as well as provides a means of cross-campus travel and travel to various locations in the City of San Marcos.

    2. Authority of the TSUS Board of Regents

      1. The TSUS Board of Regents is authorized to charge each student enrolled at Texas State a fee to finance bus service for students attending the university (Texas Education Code, Title 3, Subtitle A, Chapter 54, Subchapter E, Section 54.511).

      2. The TSUS Board of Regents may not increase the bus fee more than once in an academic year for the purpose of covering increased operating costs of the bus service. Any increase in the bus fee must be approved by a majority vote of those students participating in a general election called for that purpose.

    3. Responsibility for the Bobcat Shuttle is assigned to the VPFSS. The system is operated as an auxiliary enterprise under the supervision of the director of Transportation Services. Shuttle service is provided by contract.

    4. Students pay the bus fee at registration. A portion of each faculty and staff parking permit fee is transferred to the bus account to finance bus access for faculty and staff.

    5. The system is in full operation on all scheduled class dates during the fall and spring semesters. Reduced levels of bus service are available during the summer semesters. Service may vary based on the academic calendar.

    6. Routes and schedules may be adjusted by Transportation Services at the beginning of each semester based on the level of demand on the bus service. Routes and schedules are subject to change without notice. Current route and schedule information is available at selected display cases around Texas State property, at the Transportation Services office, on the Bobcat Shuttle website, or on the Texas State Mobile App.

    7. Periodic route and service evaluation occurs through demographic analysis, ridership analysis, and student surveys. This information is used to make route and schedule modifications.

    8. Transportation Services establishes the Bobcat Shuttle rules of ridership and may establish a fare policy which will govern recovery of passenger revenues in support of the Bobcat Shuttle helping students, faculty, staff, visitors and the general public access to Texas State property and various locations in the City of San Marcos, and reach their destinations in a safe, efficient, and reliable manner.

    9. The Bobcat Shuttle is a public transportation system and must comply with all federal and state mandates for public transportation.


    1. Texas State recognizes micromobility vehicles as an important and legitimate means of transportation, provided they are operated with due regard and concern for the safety of the public.

    2. A micromobility vehicle is any small, lightweight, wheeled vehicle operating at speeds typically below 20 mph, driven by users, and does not have an internal combustion engine. This includes skates (e.g., roller skates, roller blades, in-line skates), cycles (e.g., unicycles, bicycles, tricycles), skateboards, self-balancing scooters (e.g., hover boards), scooters, electronic personal assistive mobility devices (EPAMDs), electric bicycles, electric scooters, and similar devices, but does not include wheelchairs operated by people with mobility impairments.

    3. Specific rules and regulations as they pertain to the use of bicycles and micromobility vehicles on Texas State property can be found in the University Bicycle and Micromobility Rules and Regulations.

      1. Bicycle storage racks are located outside most Texas State buildings.

      2. Bicycles and micromobility vehicles must be properly parked in accordance with the University Bicycle and Micromobility Rules and Regulations and must not interfere with pedestrians or university operations.

      3. Bicycle and micromobility vehicles should not be chained to railings or other permanent fixtures.

      4. Bicycles should be registered with Transportation Services Bike Cave.

    4. Transportation Services may, as necessary, impound or boot micromobility vehicles that are abandoned, inappropriately parked, in a state of disrepair, or creating a hazardous condition.

      1. If the property is reclaimed, the owner may be charged a reasonable storage fee.

      2. Micromobility vehicles belonging to a shared micromobility provider in violation of the rules or not authorized to operate at Texas State will be impounded by Transportation Services. All costs related to the impoundment and storage will be charged to the owner.

      3. All bicycles left in the residence halls or on Texas State property after the spring semester will be removed by Transportation Services.

      4. Impounded personal bicycles will be held for 120 days, after which time they will be turned over to the Bike Cave.

      5. Impounded personal micromobility vehicles other than bicycles are processed as outlined in UPPS No. 05.01.20, Abandoned and Unclaimed Property.

    5. The use of micromobility vehicles on Texas State property for the sole purpose of transportation is permitted but must be operated in accordance with and conform to local, state, and federal regulations. Users of micromobility devices shall:

      1. use the devices according to the manufacturer’s specifications or service providers’ regulations;

      2. comply with all traffic control devices, including posted signs or geofences that may prohibit riding in a designated area;

      3. always yield the right-of-way to pedestrians; and

      4. be in control of the device at all times and operate with caution to prevent injury to themselves, others, or university or private property.

    6. The use of non-motorized vehicles is not allowed in any Texas State building including any Housing and Residential Life building. If roommates agree, certain non-motorized vehicles, as outlined in the Resident Guide to Rights and Responsibilities, may be stored in a room or apartment.

    7. The use of non-motorized vehicles is prohibited on ramps intended for ADA-compliant accessibility.

    8. Failure to comply with rules and regulations for the use of micromobility vehicles may result in:

      1. Texas State students being in violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

      2. non-Texas State student violators being asked to leave the Texas State property and issued a criminal trespass warning.

      3. citations for reckless damage (Class C misdemeanor) for contact with any university property such as a curb, handrail, guard rail, seating area, or curb stop.


    1. Motorcycles, motor-driven cycles (e.g., gas-powered bicycles), mopeds, and alternative transportation vehicles with internal combustion engines are subject to the same rules and regulations as automobiles on Texas State property and are governed by state law.

    2. Motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, mopeds, and alternative transportation vehicles with internal combustion engines must park in designated motorcycle parking areas and are prohibited from all pedestrian walkways or sidewalks. A parking violation will be assessed for parking at bike racks on Texas State property.

    3. Motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, mopeds, and alternative transportation vehicles with internal combustion engines are prohibited everywhere on campus except for roadways. When not in compliance:

      1. Texas State students will be considered in violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

      2. non-Texas State student violators will be asked to leave the Texas State property and be issued a criminal trespass warning.


    1. Reviewers of this UPPS include the following:

      Associate Director, Parking ServicesJanuary 1 E3Y
      Director, Transportation ServicesJanuary 1 E3Y
      Director, Auxiliary ServicesJanuary 1 E3Y

    This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

    Associate Director, Parking Services; co-senior reviewer of this UPPS

    Director, Transportation Services; co-senior reviewer of this UPPS

    Director, Auxiliary Services; co-senior reviewer of this UPPS

    Vice President for Finance and Support Services
