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UPPS 07.07.04 - Student Employee Termination, Separation, and Grievance Procedures

Student Employee Termination, Separation, and Grievance Procedures

UPPS No. 07.07.04
Issue No. 6
Effective Date: 1/04/2022
Next Review Date: 12/01/2026 (E4Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Director, Career Services


Texas State University is committed to effectively managing employee terminations, separations, and grievances.

  1. SCOPE

    1. The purpose of this policy is to establish the termination, separation, and employment grievance procedures of student employees, as defined in UPPS No. 07.07.03, Hourly Student Employment Procedures and UPPS No. 07.07.06, Graduate Student Employment.

    1. Verbal Warning – a disciplinary action, generally recognized as the least severe, issued verbally to an employee by a supervisor as a means of remedying an incident of inappropriate conduct, behavior, or violation of policy or procedure. Once a verbal warning has been issued, a supervisor should document or send a written confirmation of the warning to the student employee to confirm receipt and understanding.

    2. Written Warning – a disciplinary action issued in writing to an employee by a supervisor as a means of remedying an incident of inappropriate conduct, behavior, or violation of policy or procedure.

    3. Suspension

      1. Suspension with Pay – a disciplinary action, usually taken during the course of a pending investigation, that requires an employee to stop work while continuing to receive regular pay. This type of suspension is used when the continued presence in the workplace of the employee alleged to have committed the offense is detrimental to operations.

      2. Suspension without Pay – a disciplinary action that requires an employee to stop work, usually for a short time period (up to five days) without receiving regular pay. This type of suspension is generally used as a sanction just short of employment termination.

      3. Suspensions with or without pay must be approved by two levels of management (supervisor and next level) and coordinated through Human Resources.

    4. Involuntary Termination – an employee is separated from employment at the discretion of management, with or without cause. For involuntary terminations resulting from the illegal use of drugs, refer to UPPS No. 04.04.45, Drug-Free Workplace.

    5. Termination for Cause – a type of involuntary termination resulting from a disciplinary action whereby an individual’s employment relationship with the university is severed. Terminations for cause must be approved by two levels of management (supervisor and next level) and coordinated through Human Resources.

    6. Academic Ineligibility – involuntary termination triggered as a result of the student employee failing to maintain academic eligibility requirements, as outlined in UPPS No. 07.07.06, Graduate Student Employment and UPPS No. 07.07.03, Hourly Student Employment Procedures. Involuntary terminations due to academic ineligibility are not subject to appeal under the student employee grievance procedure.

    7. Voluntary Termination – an employee is separated from employment at the discretion of the employee.


    1. Performance Management for Student Employees

      Student employees are valued contributors who supplement the faculty and staff workforce and facilitate the university’s ability to achieve its mission. The university recognizes that performance feedback is critical to the development of all employees, including those whose primary relationship to the institution is that of a student. Supervisors are encouraged to share performance feedback directly with the student employees whom they supervise to enable their professional development.

      Student employees who demonstrate unsatisfactory job performance, unsatisfactory work attendance, or violate university policy or procedure may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. The disciplinary actions that may be taken include warning (verbal or written), suspension with or without pay, or termination for cause.

    2. Employment Terminations and Separations

      Employment terminations and separations for student employees shall follow the procedures outlined in UPPS No. 04.04.40, Disciplining and Terminating Staff Employees and UPPS No. 04.04.50, Separation of Employment and Interdepartmental Transfers.


    1. In the event that a workplace conflict arises, student employees have several avenues that they may take to resolve such complaints and differences. These conflict resolution options are intended to assist with resolution of concerns that do not involve claims of discrimination or violations of Title IX.

      1. Informal Resolutions

        1. Conversation with the Supervisor – student employees are encouraged to discuss and attempt to resolve work-related issues directly with their respective supervisor.

        2. Student Ombuds Services – student employees may seek to resolve the conflict or seek advice and counsel regarding a complaint or workplace difference by contacting the Student Ombudsperson in the office of the dean of students. A description of services and intake procedures can be found on the Dean of Students Office web site.

        3. Consultation with Employee Relations – student employees may contact an Employee Relations representative in Human Resources for guidance and counsel.

        4. Mediation – student employees may elect to participate in a mediation process, coordinated through Human Resources, as an informal means for resolving concerns. Mediation procedures are outlined in UPPS No. 04.04.41, Staff Employee Mediation and Grievance Policy.

      2. Formal Resolution

        1. Grievance – student employees may seek formal resolution by filing a grievance. Grievance procedures are outlined in UPPS No. 04.04.41, Staff Employee Mediation and Grievance Policy. Students can contact Human Resources – Employee Relations for more information.
    2. The university encourages its faculty, staff, students, and guests who believe they are victims of discrimination to seek resolution through university-supported informal and formal procedures, as outlined in UPPS No. 04.04.46, Prohibition of Discrimination.


    1. Student employees will be notified of this policy and procedure in the Student Handbook.

    1. Reviewers of this UPPS include the following:

      Director, Career ServicesDecember 1 E4Y
      Assistant Vice President for Human ResourcesDecember 1 E4Y
      Associate Vice President for Student Success and Dean of StudentsDecember 1 E4Y
      Director, Office of Attorney for StudentsDecember 1 E4Y

    This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

    Director, Career Services Office; senior reviewer of this UPPS

    Vice President for Student Success
