AA/PPS 04.01.20 - Faculty Responsibilities, Definitions, and Titles
Faculty Responsibilities, Definitions, and Titles
AA/PPS No. 04.01.20
Issue No. 2
Effective Date: 2/26/2020
Next Review Date: 3/01/2024 (E4Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Associate Provost
- This policy and procedure statement is intended to define the general responsibilities of faculty and to provide a comprehensive list of faculty titles assigned at Texas State University.
Texas State faculty members have responsibility for the effective undertaking of teaching, research, scholarly and creative activities, and service as expected within their discipline and as determined by faculty title, appointment type, and assigned workload. Department, school, and college policies delineate faculty duties and performance expectations, including those for active participation in shared governance.
Faculty responsibilities may vary from year to year and are reflected in AA/PPS No. 04.01.40, Faculty Workload. Faculty responsibilities are specified in other policy statements and the Faculty Handbook, including:
AA/PPS No. 02.03.20, Maintenance and Improvement of Quality in Teaching;
AA/PPS No. 04.02.01, Development/Evaluation of Tenure-Track Faculty;
department faculty evaluation policies mandated by AA/PPS No. 04.02.10, Performance Evaluation of Continuing Faculty and Post-Tenure Review;
the department and college tenure and promotion policies required by AA/PPS No. 04.02.20, Tenure and Promotion Review.
Faculty members are employed on a full- or part-time basis.
Full-time faculty are employed on a 100 percent basis and spend at least 50 percent of their time in faculty-related duties, including teaching and research, scholarly, and creative activities.
Part-time faculty are employed on less than a 100 percent basis and spend at least 50 percent of their assigned time on faculty-related duties, including teaching and research, scholarly, and creative activities.
Faculty members are employed on a continuing and non-continuing basis.
Continuing faculty are faculty members appointed on a full-time equivalent (FTE) basis with tenure, in a tenure-track position, or on a term basis. Senior lecturers, faculty of practice, clinical faculty, and research faculty at all ranks are typically appointed on a term basis.
Non-continuing faculty are appointed on a per-course or FTE basis for one semester or one academic year, are not tenured, and are not in a tenure-track or term appointment. This group includes lecturers, visiting faculty, and other faculty hired for one semester or one academic year.
All faculty appointments are for a specified period and are not to exceed one year as specified by the Texas State University System Rules and Regulations, Chapter V, Section 4.1, Employment.
Faculty who are not in tenured or tenure-track appointments may be appointed for a specified term, ranging from one to five years.
Eligibility for a reappointment for subsequent years is contingent upon satisfactory annual performance evaluations during the term period, in addition to continuity of funding and departmental need.
Tenure-line faculty are faculty who are eligible for consideration for tenure following a stipulated probationary period, or who have earned tenure. Titles for tenure-track and tenured faculty include:
Assistant professor
Associate professor
Professor – endowed chair
Professor – endowed professorship
Professor – university chair
Regents’ professor
Chair – associate professor
Chair – professor
Program chair – associate professor
Program chair – professor
School director – associate professor
School director – professor
University distinguished professor
Non-tenure-line faculty (NLF) are faculty who are not eligible for tenure. Emeritus faculty are included in this group because tenure is surrendered at the time of retirement. Titles for NLF include:
Lecturer – instructional faculty are hired for one academic year or semester, either on a per course or FTE appointment. Lecturers may be reappointed, pending successful annual reviews and recommendations to reappoint. Lecturer duties are restricted to teaching functions and may include limited service activities.
Senior Lecturer – instructional faculty are hired on a continuing basis, either on a per course or FTE appointment. Senior lecturer appointments may be made for a specific term, not to exceed five years, pending successful annual reviews and recommendations to reappoint, renewable annually. Senior lecturers may be reappointed to subsequent five-year terms. Senior lecturer duties include the teaching function and expanded service activities. Scholarly and creative activities may be encouraged and allowed, but not required.
Clinical Lecturer and Senior Lecturer – instructional faculty hired either on a per course or FTE appointment for a specific term, not to exceed five years or, if for a lesser period of time, the time period specified (for specific requirements for appointment at this rank, see AA/PPS No. 04.01.22, Clinical Faculty Appointments).
Clinical Assistant Professor – instructional faculty hired either on a per course or FTE appointment for a specific term, not to exceed five years or, if for a lesser period of time, the time period specified. A faculty member may be reappointed in the clinical track for one or more additional terms, contingent upon continuity of funding, the individual’s evaluations, and departmental need (for specific requirements for appointment at this rank, see AA/PPS No. 04.01.22, Clinical Faculty Appointments).
Clinical Associate Professor – instructional faculty hired either on a per course or FTE appointment for a specific term, not to exceed five years or, if for a lesser period of time, the time period specified. A faculty member may be reappointed in the clinical track for one or more additional terms, contingent upon continuity of funding, the individual’s evaluations, and departmental need (for specific requirements for appointment at this rank, see AA/PPS No. 04.01.22, Clinical Faculty Appointments).
Clinical Professor – instructional faculty hired either on a per course or FTE appointment for a specific term, not to exceed five years or, if for a lesser period of time, the time period specified. A faculty member may be reappointed in the clinical track for one or more additional terms, contingent upon continuity of funding, the individual’s evaluations, and departmental need (for specific requirements for appointment at this rank, see AA/PPS No. 04.01.22, Clinical Faculty Appointments).
Research Assistant Professor – appointed for a term not to exceed five years or, if for a lesser period of time, the time period specified. A faculty member may be reappointed in the research track for one or more additional terms, contingent upon continuity of funding, the individual’s evaluations, and departmental need (for specific requirements for appointment at this rank, see AA/PPS No. 04.01.21, Research Faculty Appointments).
Research Associate Professor – appointed for a term not to exceed five years or, if for a lesser period of time, the time period specified. A faculty member may be reappointed in the research track for one or more additional terms, contingent upon continuity of funding, the individual’s evaluations, and departmental need (for specific requirements for appointment at this rank, see AA/PPS No. 04.01.21, Research Faculty Appointments).
Research Professor – appointed for a term not to exceed five years or, if for a lesser period of time, the time period specified. A faculty member may be reappointed in the research track for one or more additional terms, contingent upon continuity of funding, the individual’s evaluations, and departmental need (for specific requirements for appointment at this rank, see AA/PPS No. 04.01.21, Research Faculty Appointments).
Lecturer of Practice – instructional faculty hired either on a per course or FTE appointment for a specific term, not to exceed three years or, if for a lesser period of time, the time period specified. A faculty member may be reappointed in the faculty of practice track for one or more additional terms, contingent upon continuity of funding, the individual’s evaluations, and departmental need (for specific requirements for appointments at the rank, see AA/PPS No. 04.01.23, Faculty of Practice Appointments).
Assistant Professor of Practice – instructional faculty hired either on a per course or FTE appointment for a specific term, not to exceed five years or, if for a lesser period of time, the time period specified. A faculty member may be reappointed in the faculty of practice track for one or more additional terms, contingent upon continuity of funding, the individual’s evaluations, and departmental need. For specific requirements for appointments at the rank, see AA/PPS No. 04.01.23, Faculty of Practice Appointments).
Associate Professor of Practice – instructional faculty hired either on a per course or FTE appointment for a specific term, not to exceed five years or, if for a lesser period of time, the time period specified. A faculty member may be reappointed in the faculty of practice track for one or more additional terms, contingent upon continuity of funding, the individual’s evaluations, and departmental need (for specific requirements for appointments at the rank, see AA/PPS No. 04.01.23, Faculty of Practice Appointments).
Professor of Practice – instructional faculty hired either on a per course or FTE appointment for a specific term, not to exceed five years or, if for a lesser period of time, the time period specified. A faculty member may be reappointed in the faculty of practice track for one or more additional terms, contingent upon continuity of funding, the individual’s evaluations, and departmental need (for specific requirements for appointments at the rank, see AA/PPS No. 04.01.23, Faculty of Practice Appointments).
Visiting Lecturer – Appointment at this rank is reserved for a faculty member from another university serving as a visiting scholar for a predetermined time period for collaboration; for a retired tenured faculty member from another university; or an individual with prominent industry ties. Visiting lecturers may also be appointed to teach on a paid or unpaid basis. Recommendations for appointments at this rank are submitted via the personnel committee, the chair or director, and the dean to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs (VPAA).
Visiting Assistant Professor – Appointment at this rank is reserved for a faculty member from another university serving as a visiting scholar for a predetermined time period for collaboration; for a retired tenured faculty member from another university; or an individual with prominent industry ties. Visiting assistant professors may also be appointed to teach on a paid or unpaid basis. Recommendations for appointments at this rank are submitted via the personnel committee, the chair or director, and the dean to the provost and VPAA.
Visiting Associate Professor – Appointment at this rank is reserved for a faculty member from another university serving as a visiting scholar for a predetermined time period for collaboration; for a retired tenured faculty member from another university; or an individual with prominent industry ties. Visiting associate professors may also be appointed to teach on a paid or unpaid basis. Recommendations for appointments at this rank are submitted via the personnel committee, the chair or director, and the dean to the provost and VPAA.
Visiting Professor – Appointment at this rank is reserved for a faculty member from another university serving as a visiting scholar for a predetermined time period for collaboration; for a retired tenured faculty member from another university; or an individual with prominent industry ties. Visiting professors may also be appointed to teach on a paid or unpaid basis. Recommendations for appointments at this rank are submitted via the personnel committee, the chair or director, and the dean to the provost and VPAA.
Assistant professor emeritus/emerita
Associate professor emeritus/emerita
Professor emeritus/emerita
Distinguished professor emeritus
University distinguished professor emeritus/emerita
Extension Educator – The primary function of this academic professional is to provide education to clientele through the university’s distance and extended learning and education abroad programs. Extension educators have as their primary responsibility the instruction, assessment, development, and implementation of continuing education and extension and self-paced correspondence programs. Extension educators do not generate student credit hours (SCH) but are assigned duties within a department, center, or institute that require faculty credentials.
Language Educator – The primary function of this academic professional is to provide non-credit education to clientele through the Texas State Intensive English Program. Language educators have as their primary responsibility the instruction, assessment, development and implementation of continuing non-formal education programs. Language educators do not generate SCH but are assigned duties within a department, center, or institute that requires faculty credentials.
Writer-In-Residence – The primary function of the academic professional is to devote time to writing; share knowledge about the creative writing process; offer one-to-one consultations and advice to Texas State graduate and undergraduate students interested in creative writing and careers as creative writers; and organize and participate in events such as readings or workshops that are designed to increase the knowledge and skills of Texas State students. Writers-in-residence may also participate in community events that promote writing.
Affiliate Instructor – The primary function of this academic healthcare professional is to provide supervision of student clinical learning experiences, including but not limited to instruction of procedures, health assessments, and administration of medications. Affiliate instructors may only perform supervision when a qualified, experienced faculty member is physically present. Supervision of clinical learning experiences must follow appropriate professional regulatory board rules and regulations.
Per-course faculty are paid a flat rate for teaching a class. This appointment is limited to a maximum of two 3-4 hour classes per semester. The only exception is the addition of one University Seminar (US 1100) class section to those two classes per semester.
A per-course faculty FTE is either 20 percent or 40 percent. Titles for per course faculty include:
Senior lecturer
Clinical lecturer/senior lecturer
Clinical assistant professor
Clinical associate professor
Clinical professor
Research assistant professor
Research associate professor
Research professor
Lecturer of practice
Assistant professor of practice
Associate professor of practice
Professor of practice
Professor of practice – endowed chair
Visiting lecturer
Visiting assistant professor
Visiting associate professor
Visiting professor
Assistant professor emeritus/emerita
Associate professor emeritus/emerita
Professor emeritus/emerita
Regents’ professor emeritus/emerita
Distinguished professor emeritus/emerita
University distinguished professor emeritus/emerita
Extension educator
Language educator
Affiliate instructor
Program faculty are not teachers of record, do not generate SCH, but are assigned duties within a department, center, or institute that require faculty credentials. The program faculty appointment falls within the Department of Labor’s Learned Professional employee exemption when all of the following tests are met:
the employee must be compensated on a salary or fee (stipend) basis at a rate not less than $2,964 monthly, for any FTE (effective January 1, 2020);
the employee’s primary duty must be the performance of work requiring advanced knowledge, defined as work which is predominantly intellectual in character and which includes work requiring the consistent exercise of discretion and judgement;
the advanced knowledge must be in a field of learning; and
the advanced knowledge must be customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction.
An appointment as program faculty must be approved by Faculty and Academic Resources in the provost and VPAA’s office. A description of duties must accompany the request for appointment.
Visiting Scholar – Appointment is reserved for individuals visiting from an outside institution or organization and sponsored by a faculty host. The appointment of a visiting scholar must be well defined as to the purpose, the length of the appointment, and the benefit to Texas State. A visiting scholar must hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree; be financially supported by an outside source; and have proof of medical insurance. If the visiting scholar is a foreign national, the proper visa is required. The faculty host must request prior written approval for the appointment of a visiting scholar from the school director or department chair, dean, and the associate provost, and as relevant, seek guidance from the staff in International Student and Scholar Services on immigration related matters.
Requests are made no fewer than 30 days prior to arrival on campus using the Request for Approval of Visiting Scholar form. Federal Export Control regulations will be followed when hiring foreign nationals as visiting scholars. This title cannot be used for faculty who otherwise qualify for a visiting or research faculty appointment.
Reviewer of this PPS includes the following:
Position Date Associate Provost March 1 E4Y
This PPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State Academic Affairs policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.
Associate Provost; senior reviewer of this PPS
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs