UPPS 04.04.33 - Staff Awards and Recognition Programs
Staff Awards and Recognition Programs
UPPS No. 04.04.33
Issue No. 10
Revised: 3/22/2024
Effective Date: 8/17/2023
Next Review Date: 6/01/2028 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Associate Vice President of Human Resources
Texas State University is committed to supporting its employees in a way which promotes and sustains positive, productive, and safe working environments.
- This policy provides relevant information for staff awards and recognition programs. Additional information, including faculty and division wide university awards and recognition programs, can be found on the Employee Awards & Recognition Programs website.
UPPS No. 04.04.30, University Leave Policy outlines the Outstanding Performance Leave Award process.
A department head may grant leave with pay up to a maximum of 32 hours per employee each fiscal year as a reward for outstanding performance. Departments must establish criteria for the award in advance and outline the criteria in departmental policy. The departmental policy must be approved by the divisional vice president with a copy provided to Human Resources. In addition, department heads must clearly document actual performance for employees receiving the performance leave.
Team Leave Award – Employees may receive leave with pay as part of a formal team award program. A formal team award program is established at the university or division level and must be defined in advance of an award being granted.
UPPS No. 04.04.11, University Classification and Compensation sets forth classification of and compensation for staff employees.
The Staff Performance (Bonus) Award is a one-time discretionary payment that does not increase an employee’s base pay and is awarded by the president or President’s Cabinet.
The Just-In-Time Performance Award provides supervisors and account managers the opportunity to award an employee at any time during the year for what they believe to be exceptional performance within their divisional guidelines.
Merit pay is awarded to an employee as a discretionary salary increase for meritorious performance. Eligibility for a merit salary increase requires university employment for the six months immediately preceding the increase’s effective date, and at least six months must have elapsed since the employee’s last merit increase.
- The Mariel M. Muir Excellence in Mentoring Awards honors Dr. Mariel M. Muir, who served as dean of the College of Science from 1992 to 1996, for exceptional support of and commitment to fostering the growth and development of those around her. The award recognizes individuals who serve as role models by fostering the growth and development of co-workers and students. The award is presented annually to one faculty member and one staff member.
- Staff Council Awards recognize regular full-time staff member’s dedication and commitment over the past academic year.
UPPS No. 04.04.38, The Texas State University System Regents’ Staff Excellence and Regents’ Student Scholar Awards sets forth guidelines for submitting award nominations.
The Texas State University System (TSUS) Regents’ Staff Excellence Award recognizes staff who excel in six areas: commitment to the university and its mission; job competency; collegiality; duration of service; community involvement; and exceptional achievement. Honorees receive a board resolution, commemorative medallion, and a $5,000 cash award. This award was established in 2012 by the TSUS Foundation. The Chancellor of the TSUS annually selects an exceptional staff member from one member institution to receive the Regents’ Staff Excellence Award.
UPPS No. 04.04.33, Staff Awards and Recognition Programs outlines the employee of the month recognition process.
The Employee of the Month Award recognizes an employee’s overall performance over time or for a specific event. The awardee must be a regular full-time or regular part-time staff employee (except administrative officers as designated in the University Pay Plan, and worked at Texas State for at least one year (cumulative). The award winner will receive $500 cash (less taxes), a framed certificate signed by the president and the appropriate vice president, administrative leave for one workday, and an announcement in the Human Resources Bulletin.
- The Employee of the Year Award recognizes one employee chosen from the 12 awardees picked throughout the year for their outstanding performance. The award winner will receive an engraved plaque, $3,000 cash (less taxes), and a designated parking space close to the employee’s office for the fiscal year.
UPPS No. 04.04.33, Staff Awards and Recognition Programs, and UPPS No. 04.04.30, University Leave Policy, Section 11.02, outline quarterly team award recognition processes.
The Quarterly Team Award recognizes a team of employees who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. Awardees are recognized for their exemplary service to internal or external university constituents. Examples may include a one-time project, improved standards and procedures, or actions that benefit the institution. Awardees will receive a certificate signed by the selection committee’s chair and the appropriate vice president, as well as one day of leave with pay as part of a formal team award program.
UPPS No. 04.04.54, Years of Service Awards and Retired Faculty and Staff Events outlines the process for recognizing employees who have served the university over an extended period of time.
The Years of Service Awards recognize staff members who served the university in full- and part-time, cumulative employment for a minimum of 5 years. Staff members who have served 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 years will be recognized. Cumulative years of employment may include non-consecutive years.
The university will present the honorees with the following:
All 5-, 10-, and 15-year honorees will receive a pin and a signed certificate.
All 20-year honorees will receive a pin with a topaz-colored stone and a signed certificate.
All 25-year honorees will receive a pin with a ruby-colored stone and a signed certificate.
All 30-year honorees will receive a pin with a sapphire-colored stone and a signed certificate.
All 35-year honorees will receive a pin with an emerald-colored stone and a signed certificate.
All 40-year honorees will receive a pin with a diamond-colored stone and a signed certificate.
All 45- and 50-year honorees will receive an appropriate individualized award approved by the president and a signed certificate.
Reviewers of this UPPS include the following:
Position Date Associate Vice President for Human Resources June 1 E5Y Chair, Staff Council June 1 E5Y
This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.
Associate Vice President of Human Resources; senior reviewer of this UPPS
Executive Vice President for Operations and Chief Financial Officer