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UPPS 02.02.01 - Applying for Sponsored Programs

Applying for Sponsored Programs

UPPS No. 02.02.01
Issue No. 14
Effective Date: 2/23/2024
Next Review Date: 7/01/2025 (ONY)
Sr. Reviewer: Assistant Vice President for Research


Texas State University is committed to maintaining all external funds received for the purpose of research and ensuring governmental rules and regulations are applied appropriately.

  1. SCOPE

    1. This policy will:

      1. differentiate between types of support provided to Texas State University by outside organizations;

      2. determine signatory authority and management assignment;

      3. ensure governmental rules and regulations are applied appropriately;

      4. provide direction to faculty and staff regarding solicitation, accounting, reporting, and communication; and

      5. provide guidelines for developing and submitting proposals through the Division of Research (DoR).

    2. This policy applies to all external funds received by Texas State from governmental agencies or private organizations – including foundations, corporations, and other non-governmental organizations – for the purposes of research or service objectives provided in the form of gifts, grants, and contracts. Using these descriptive terms by the donor or sponsor does not determine the award’s classification.

    3. Classification is an internal university administrative decision based on the conditions of the award agreement, including the intended purpose of the funding, economic benefits provided to funder, scope of work, penalty for non-performance, restrictions on publication, and intellectual property rights. Final determination of the classification and assignment of external awards is made by the vice president for Research (VPR), in consultation with the vice president for University Advancement (VPUA). The VPR has signature authority for sponsored programs and the vice president for VPUA has signature authority for gift agreements.

    4. Proper classification and processing of awards is critical to the university’s ability to comply with any terms specified by the sponsor or donor, meet reporting requirements, properly recover direct and indirect costs, ensure the completeness and accuracy of records and reporting, and facilitate acceptable levels of accountability and stewardship.

    5. Funds may have characteristics that meet necessary criteria for both the gift and grant categories. It is common for external awards classified as grants and managed as sponsored programs through DoR to also be recorded as philanthropic contributions for reporting purposes by University Advancement (UA). In such cases, expenditures will be reported under DoR, and UA will record them as a grant from a philanthropic sponsor in the donor database.

    6. Texas State encourages faculty and staff to pursue sponsored program activities in their areas of expertise. Because scholarly activities augment teaching, faculty are expected to participate in activities that promote scholarship and creative work, including applying for and administering sponsored programs.

    7. Texas State’s policies apply to all sponsored programs, unless the granting agency establishes exceptions. In these cases, sponsor guidelines must clearly identify any policies that deviate from Texas State policies. These exceptions may not conflict with federal or state law or with the Texas State University System (TSUS) Rules and Regulations. The DoR shall determine all conflicts and mediate all solutions.


    1. Gift – a voluntary contribution of external support by a donor whose primary intent is philanthropic, and who expects nothing significant of economic or tangible value in return beyond what any general member of the public would receive, other than recognition and disposition of the gift in accordance with the donor’s wishes. Benefits that do not void the tax-deductibility of the gift, as described in IRS Publication 526, and indirect benefits such as tax advantages or business or personal goodwill derived from close association with the university and the miscellaneous benefits derived from donor status shall not be deemed to be inconsistent with the classification of support as a gift. Gifts may originate from individuals, partnerships, associations, foundations, or corporations. A grant from a governmental entity is not included in this term. UPPS No. 03.05.01, Soliciting, Accepting, and Processing Gifts and Grants from Private Sources, includes additional guidance on coordination with UA on proposals for philanthropic funding. In general, the following characteristics describe a gift:

      1. the external support does not meet the criteria for a sponsored project;

      2. the external support is irrevocable, providing the gift is used in accordance with any valid use restrictions accepted by the university;

      3. the principal investigator (PI) or account manager will not incur expenses prior to receipt of funds from the sponsor. For all awards deemed gifts that will be managed by UA, awards must be paid in full before funds will be made available for budget and spending purposes. UA will not manage cost-reimbursement agreements;

      4. no goods, services, or deliverables are offered to the donor or exchanged in consideration of receipt of the external support, excepting benefits that do not void the tax-deductibility of the gift, as described in IRS Publication 526;

      5. the donor provides the support to the university without the expectation of direct economic benefit or other tangible benefit. Indirect benefits such as tax advantages or business or personal goodwill derived from close association with the university and the miscellaneous benefits derived from donor status shall not be deemed to be inconsistent with the classification of support as a gift;

      6. detailed financial reporting or accounting for use of external support is not generally required, although it shall be acceptable for the donor to request information from the university about utilization or impact of the external support, including expenditures and fund balances. These reports may be thought of as good stewardship, and, as such, may be required by the terms of a gift. They are not characterized as contractual obligations or deliverables;

      7. public recognition by the university of donors through accepted university underwriting guidelines shall not be deemed to be inconsistent with classification of support as a gift; and

      8. no contractual requirements are imposed and there are no deliverables to the donor that would meet the criteria of a sponsored project. However, the gift may be accompanied by an agreement that outlines its intended use. For example, gifts may be provided to support a department, an individual faculty member’s laboratory, or a construction project.

    2. Sponsored Programs or Projects – activities sponsored, in whole or in part, by sources external to the university for which there is an expectation on the sponsor’s part for deliverables or project specific outcomes. The university awards sponsored programs through various mechanisms (e.g., grants, contracts, non-teaching consulting services, cooperative agreements, or other legally-binding means of transfer).

      1. Sponsored programs, identified by the following characteristics, may support instruction, public services, or research activities. Programs do not need to include all of the following elements to be considered sponsored:

        1. sponsor requires specific deliverables that reflect performance levels, data results, or expenditure reporting tied to specific invoicing requirements. This does not include minimal requirements generally relating to required donor pledge payments, the university’s commitment to effectuate the donor’s intent, or regular reporting that may be thought of as requirements of good stewardship, and, as such, may be required by the terms of a gift;

        2. sponsor requires return of unexpended funds related to delivery of an exchange transaction, not including gift terms specifying return of funds if not used in accordance with philanthropic donor intent;

        3. award designates a sponsor employee (agent) as project technical monitor, as opposed to designating a contact person for correspondence purposes;

        4. award contains special benefits or rights related to intellectual property and technology transfer not generally made publicly available;

        5. award restricts or requires publication or use of results;

        6. award payments are contingent upon specific performance milestones or invoices for service; not including regular fiscal reporting to a philanthropic donor that may be associated with pledge payments;

        7. award requires protection of sponsor and confidential information provided by the sponsor;

        8. request for funding will be used to fulfill a matching or cost-sharing commitment on another sponsored project or requires a matching, cost-sharing, or other financial commitment from the university;

        9. the project is linked to other sponsored research projects or contracts being conducted by faculty and researchers;

        10. project involves the use of human subjects, vertebrate animals, radioisotopes on humans, radioactive materials, recombinant DNA, human body substances, etiologic agents, or proprietary materials;

        11. award includes or allows for facilities and administrative costs;

        12. award includes percentage of faculty time charged on project that requires time and effort reporting; or

        13. use of university resources (e.g., equipment, space, students) mandate processing through DoR to determine who is to be notified and who is to approve the use of and the creation of these resources.

    3. Grant – a type of financial assistance awarded to an organization for the conduct of research or other program as specified in a university- submitted proposal. The proposal typically defines a scope of work or performance. The sponsor may make an award based upon a competitive review and establish performance terms and conditions. The proposal may state these terms generally, as in many federal awards, or may specifically describe allowable and unallowable activities and costs. Unless prohibited by sponsor regulations, individuals involved with the award may modify performance, as necessary, under project conditions. The proposal may allow the university to approve such modifications internally or may require sponsor authorization. A sponsor may award grants through simple contractual agreements, letters of authorization, payments of fees, or other similar mechanisms.

    4. Contract – an agreement for carrying out a specific service or procuring a product that entails an exchange relationship with specific obligations for the recipient and usually for the primary purpose of the economic benefit of the sponsor. Contracts are more restrictive mechanisms for securing services than grants and may specify penalties for non-performance. In a Fixed Cost or Fee for Service Agreement, one party pays the other party a predetermined price, regardless of actual costs, for services rendered. In a Cost-Reimbursement Agreement, the sponsor pays for the full costs incurred for the work conducted up to an agreed-upon amount, for which the sponsor generally requires invoices containing back-up documentation of costs incurred. In a Percent Completion contract, the sponsor contracts for completion of specific tasks and makes payment upon receipt and approval of a report or other deliverable.

      Research, assessment, specific work performance, instruction, training, or similar activities are reasons for awarding contracts. Generally, contracts will define specific details of the legal relationship between the participating entities and will incorporate the description and cost of the work to be performed either as a legally binding attachment or embedded in the contract document. A purchase order may constitute a contract.

    5. Matching Grant – required by some sponsors, where the applicant must demonstrate commitment to the proposed activity by providing funds in support of the overall project costs. Institutional resources may generate matching funds, either in-kind (donated time, space, equipment use, etc.), cash, or the funds may originate from other outside entities (third parties). Cost-sharing has become a major issue in federal awards. Many programs prohibit cost-sharing. The federal government issued specific guidance on matching funds and the responsibilities of recipients in accounting for these funds. Failure to comply may result in loss of revenue associated with the specifically funded project or in general sanctions against the institution. In cases where cost-sharing is permitted, the following are the three types of cost-sharing:

      1. Mandatory – required by the sponsor and specifically referenced in the proposal, budget, or other submitted document. The source of funds for on-campus cost-share must be identified by the PI upon proposal submission and again upon award and verified through respective expenditures recorded on the institution’s accounting system;

      2. Voluntary Committed – committed by the institution in the proposal, budget, or other submitted document to enhance the possibility of funding, but NOT required by the sponsor. The source of funds for on-campus cost-share must be identified by the PI at proposal submission and again upon award and is verified through respective expenditures recorded on the institution’s accounting system (NOTE: After award, a proposal initially submitted with voluntary cost-sharing converts to mandatory cost-sharing); and

      3. Voluntary Uncommitted – the university or PI provides more cost-sharing than promised or required. For example, if a PI spends more time on the project than originally projected, the university must track and verify these funds.

      The policy of the university is to limit matching to no more than the minimum required by the sponsor. Inclusion of “voluntary committed” or “voluntary uncommitted” funds in proposal submissions must be approved by the VPR.

      Funds promised or provided by third parties to a sponsored program must meet the same reporting requirements imposed on the institution. The recipient (university) is responsible for acquiring and maintaining third-party matching documentation. For Texas State, the PI is responsible for this documentation.

    6. Challenge Grant – a grant that provides monies in response to monies from other sources, usually according to a formula. A challenge grant may, for example, offer two dollars for every dollar it obtains from a fund drive. The grant usually has a fixed upper limit and may have a challenge minimum below which the sponsor will not create a grant. A challenge grant differs from a matching grant in at least one important respect. The amount of money that the recipient organization realizes from a challenge grant may vary widely, depending upon how successful that organization is in meeting the challenge. Matching grants usually award a clearly defined amount and require the institution to obtain a specified sum before making any award.

    7. Cooperative Agreement – an award similar to a grant, but one in which the sponsor’s staff may play an active role in proposal preparation and anticipate substantial involvement in research activities after receiving the award.

    8. Non-Teaching Consulting Services – as an agent of the university, is defined as additional activity beyond duties assigned by the institution, professional in nature, and based in the appropriate discipline for which the individual receives additional compensation during the contract year. Consulting services include addressing the technical and professional needs of communities, groups, agencies, businesses, and other entities outside the university. Consulting services are NOT sponsored programs unless the university is the direct recipient of funds and liable for the conduct of the activity performed by the university employee. If university resources are required to complete the scope of work, consulting services must route through the university and will be considered a sponsored program. In this instance, it is essential that these contracts are managed as sponsored programs, in that they involve coordination of faculty time and effort reporting and determination of appropriate overload policy interpretation.

    9. Training, Workshops, Non-Credit Teaching – proposals for conducting training, workshops, or non-credit teaching functions that are considered sponsored programs if they meet any of the above-stated criteria.

    10. Fellowships and Internships – externally-supported opportunities for an individual (student or faculty member) to engage in an extended learning activity. If the university receives internship or fellowship funds and the funding mechanism contains specific details concerning the fellow’s, intern’s, or institution’s obligation, the university must treat the activity as a sponsored program, subject to internal approval, and submit it as such. AA/PPS No. 04.01.32, Management and Funding of Faculty Fellowships, includes information on the faculty fellowship process.

    11. Congressional or Legislative Allocations – in certain circumstances, funds are directly appropriated by federal or state governing bodies to the university for specific purposes. It is important that the purpose of these funds represents the intent of the funding entity. In the case of most federal and state appropriations, the most common conveyance mechanism is to attach these funds to an existing agency program, and to request a proposal describing how the university will utilize these funds in keeping with the general intent of that specific program’s mandate. The university then receives the award from the agency. In this circumstance, the federal or state regulations and restrictions applied to all recipients of funds under that agency program apply to the use of funds awarded to the university. For this reason, proposals requesting support under direct appropriations become sponsored programs to facilitate proper accounting and management.

    12. Limited Submission – a limitation placed by the funder on the number of proposals that can be submitted by an organization for consideration of funding under a specific sponsored program. All limited submissions must be coordinated and approved through DoR.


    Faculty and staff wishing to submit a proposal to an external funding source must confer with their chair, director, college research coordinator, and their dean to discuss the proposal plans. This step is particularly necessary when the proposal involves committing university resources (e.g., additional space required, renovation, cost-sharing). DoR serves as the next point of contact for faculty or staff seeking external funds. When the commitment of university resources (cost-sharing or cost-matching) requires additional space or additional staff (including post-doctoral research associates) for the project’s completion, the PI must notify their chair, director, or dean.

    1. The DoR is responsible for submitting proposals to public and private funding agencies, except for proposals that require submission by UA, the Development Foundation, or faculty fellowships requiring direct contact with faculty.

    2. Faculty and staff must submit all proposals for research or sponsored programs (whether for grants or contracts) through DoR. They must submit all proposals for permanent endowments, certain types of scholarships, and capital improvements through the VPUA. Proposals for research or sponsored programs (whether for grants or contracts) required to be submitted through a 501(c)(3) public charitable organization may be submitted through DoR via the Texas State Research Foundation or the Texas State Development Foundation. Proposals not submitted through proper university channels are subject to recall at the VPR’s discretion.

    3. Each college and school has at least one research coordinator, tasked with proposal support for PIs during proposal development.

    4. Proposal Preparation

      1. Sponsored Programs must receive the complete proposal package (including a complete budget, narrative, executive summary, and all required sponsor forms) no later than three working days prior to the submission deadline, or proposal submission is not guaranteed.

      2. Sponsored Programs will update changes submitted within the three-day review window, if time permits. Staff reserve the right to effect changes to bring the proposal into compliance with program guidelines and will inform the PI in writing of changes made prior to submitting the proposal.

      3. Only the following are eligible to serve routinely as a PI on a sponsored program:

        1. full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty;

        2. full-time research faculty;

        3. certain directors of research program centers or institutes; and

        4. full-time staff employees.

        Individuals holding titles other than those above may be authorized to serve as PI, Co-PI, or senior personnel within any limitations determined by the DoR, department, center, administrative unit, or college under specified circumstances.

        Postdoctoral scholars participate in research projects supported by external awards or fellowships. They may serve as PIs only with the approval of their chair, director, dean, and the VPR. Requests for postdoctoral scholars to serve as PIs are considered on a case-by-case basis, particularly when postdoctoral scholars’ unique qualifications make them essential in fundamental ways to the project. However, some sponsors’ awards are specifically designed for postdoctoral scholars to serve as PIs. In such cases, postdoctoral scholars are subject to the same requirements PIs stipulated in this policy.

        Graduate students and research associates are not eligible to serve as PIs unless the sponsor’s award is specifically directed at such individuals (such as a fellowship application) and appropriate faculty supervision is assured by a member of the faculty who is eligible to serve as PI.

      4. University faculty and staff who wish to submit a proposal to an external funding source should contact their chair, dean, or director to discuss the proposal plans. Contact should also be made with offices that are likely to be asked for matching or cost-sharing funds or other services in support of the planned proposal. Proposals that include curricular impacts such as the addition of a new degree, certificate, minor, concentration, or courses should consult with the Office of Curriculum Services prior to proposal preparation.

      5. The PI of the project must notify Sponsored Programs by initiating each proposal in the proposal management system to begin working with assigned staff on budget development and initiating the internal routing process.

      6. Other responsibilities of the PI include the following:

        1. ensuring the accuracy of all material in the proposal and compliance with all federal, state, and private regulations, and policies of The TSUS and Texas State, such as those relating to scientific misconduct in research, disclosure of conflicts of interest (financial and otherwise), and management of human research subjects or lab animals. The PI has the responsibility to become informed about those regulations, with assistance from their research coordinators and guidance from Sponsored Programs, and Research, Integrity and Compliance (RIC) units within DoR;

        2. loading the proposal information (with the help of Sponsored Programs) into the proposal management system for internal routing;

        3. preparing proposal budget and associated budget plan understanding that current and future staff must follow university Human Resources policies and procedures to include the E-Verify eligibility determination upon hiring;

        4. developing and verifying all financial data with Sponsored Programs prior to routing the proposal. Sponsored Programs will determine that the requested facilities and administration costs conform to the university’s federally negotiated rate or the maximum allowed by the funding source. PIs are not authorized to negotiate sponsored program agreement terms with prospective funders. The VPR must approve all deviations from the specified sponsor rate or federally negotiated rate in writing;

        5. identifying all requirements for space needed to operate the contract or grant. If the needed space is not available and under the control of the department chair, the dean must identify available space under control of the college. If space is not available within the college, the PI must add a request for rent or lease funds in the contract or grant budget to obtain space. If the sponsored program’s success requires space, the PI must arrange, at the department or college level, for additional space before submitting the proposal to Sponsored Programs (see UPPS No. 08.01.01, Scheduling of University Facilities, and UPPS No. 01.03.01, Space Management);

        6. determining, with RIC’s assistance, which university review boards must review proposal methodology or protocols for compliance with state and federal guidelines concerning research activities. The PI must meet all compliance requirements before expending funds (and prior to proposal submission, in some cases). In certain cases, an exception can be made. Exceptions can only be granted by the Institutional Official for Research Compliance. Relevant university review boards include: the Institutional Review Board on the Use of Human Subjects in Research (see UPPS No. 02.02.03, Protection of Human Research Subjects) and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (see UPPS No. 02.02.05, Animal Care and Use Policy). For information regarding export controls, see UPPS No. 02.02.10, Export Control Laws and Regulations, and the biosafety website. Certain training is required for proposals meeting the above requirements. RIC can assist and guide the PI and other personnel to the appropriate training provided by Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training that most review boards require to be up to date prior to award setup;

        7. identifying, with assistance from Sponsored Programs, any technology needs. The PI must notify Sponsored Programs and the vice president for Information Technology of requirements related to hardware or software procurement or technical support;

        8. ensuring, with the help from Information Security Office, that sensitive, restricted, and confidential data collected, stored, and reported in conjunction with the grant or contract receive the appropriate protections. To meet this responsibility, the PI should become familiar with the data classification guidelines in Section 02.08 of UPPS No. 04.01.11, Risk Management of Information Resources;

        9. identifying the amount and source of matching funds, both monetary and in-kind, as well as making sure that the account manager for these funds has approved the pledge through the internal routing process or in writing;

        10. ensuring, with help from DoR, that the proposal complies with pertinent state, federal, or university policy such as those relating to scientific misconduct in research or disclosure of financial conflicts of interest, coordination of financial aid, and management of human subjects and lab animals;

        11. ensuring, with help from DoR, that the proposal complies with affirmative action regulations and that it meets any other regulations that might apply, such as those mandated by Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, and other relevant federal and state laws pertaining to persons with disabilities;

        12. identifying, with assistance from DoR, any facility and infrastructure needs. The PI must notify the executive vice president for Operations and Chief Financial Officer and the associate vice President for Facilities of facility, infrastructure, and utility requirements, as well as obtain planning, design, and cost estimating support (see UPPS No. 01.03.02, University Construction Policy for additional guidance); and

        13. when a PI discovers a solicitation they plan to pursue is a limited submission, the PI must inform the Strategic Research Initiatives unit within the DoR of the limit, as outlined in R/PPS No. 03.01, Limited Submissions for Certain Sponsored Programs.

      7. Responsibilities of DoR:

        1. When Sponsored Programs receives proposals in the required format and by the deadline as specified in Section 03.04 a., it shall:

          1. review each proposal submitted for completeness and appropriate use of institutional assumptions to the best of its ability;

          2. return the proposal to the PI if there are any questions regarding the proposal’s completeness or with appropriate use of institutional assumptions; and

          3. upon approval by all required parties by the deadline, as specified in Section 03.04 a., submit the proposal for consideration to the potential sponsor.

        2. In the event that Sponsored Programs receives the proposal in an incorrect format or past the deadline specified in Section 03.04 a., they shall attempt to submit the proposal on behalf of the PI and the university. The university shall retain the right to rescind, recall, or otherwise remove the proposal from the sponsor’s funding consideration. Sponsored Programs staff is not responsible for delinquent or missed proposal submissions when it did not receive the proposal in the proper form or by the specified internal deadline.

    5. Timeline – The PI must allow enough time for adequate review of the proposal by the chair, dean, or director. The PI with the assistance of Sponsored Programs staff should initiate internal routing in the proposal management system with a finalized budget and Scope of Work at least three business days prior to the submission, as specified in Section 03.04 a. (also see Section 04.).


    1. PIs, with the help of Sponsored Programs staff, must receive approval for their proposals by releasing their proposal for routing and approval through the proposal management system. Proposals from private sources will also be reviewed by UA for possible coordination per UPPS No. 03.05.01, Soliciting, Accepting, and Processing Gifts and Grants from Private Sources. The proposal should be complete, including at a minimum:

      1. an abstract or narrative;

      2. complete budget; and

      3. the completed proposal management system questionnaires.


    1. The funding source may send the notification of acceptance or rejection to any of a number of different locations. The office receiving the notification must forward it to Sponsored Programs. Failure to do so will delay establishment of a Texas State account for accepted grants.

    2. The action required as a result of the rejection of a proposal varies from one proposal to another. Therefore, the PI or Sponsored Programs staff will determine the proper individuals to notify concerning the rejection notification.

    3. Per UPPS No. 03.05.01, Soliciting, Accepting, and Processing Gifts and Grants from Private Sources, proposals to private sources may be subject to review and coordination with UA. Sponsored Programs will coordinate with UA to establish and document protocols for review and classification of awards from private sources, transition of philanthropic awards to UA, and notifications to the PI and other relevant individuals, as appropriate.


    1. A sponsored program is not operational until the funding document is signed by all those required, and the PI approves all terms and conditions. Awards at Texas State are made to the university and are not personal grants or contracts to the PI. Only the president, or designee, can obligate the university and are the only persons authorized to sign a grant or contract. Before making a commitment, financial or otherwise, the university must receive a signed copy of the contract or a formal award in writing or the funding source must provide written documentation to the director of Sponsored Programs that such award is in transit. If a PI deems it necessary to begin work prior to receiving an executed agreement, the PI can establish a provisional expenditure account in accordance with Section 05.03 of UPPS No. 02.02.02, Sponsored Programs - Post Award. In the event that a PI or other unauthorized individual or contracting official signs a contract or award with a funding source, the university may hold that individual personally liable for any expenditure or obligation of university resources to the subsequently invalid contract or award. Additionally, the university may take disciplinary action against that individual including revocation of the individual’s status as a PI.

    2. Acceptance of the award constitutes a commitment by the PI to comply throughout the grant period with all policies of The TSUS, the university, all state and federal regulations, and all funding agency requirements. If the PI does not comply, the VPR will ensure that the university fulfills its contractual obligations under the award’s terms. These steps may include removing the PI from the grant or contract and prohibiting them from future work as a PI.

    3. When Sponsored Programs receives the award notification, the director and staff will review the agreement’s financial terms and seek the PI’s written approval. Upon PI approval, DoR will establish a Texas State account. In the event that terms are not satisfactory, the director of Sponsored Programs will attempt to renegotiate the terms and conditions of the award. If negotiations are not successful and the terms are considered unacceptable, the VPR may reject the award on behalf of the university.

    4. The university will not reimburse individuals for expenditures from any source other than the appropriate Texas State account, even prior to the establishment of a Texas State account, as these are personal liabilities of the person making the expenditure. Exceptions due to extraordinary circumstances require approval of the VPR.

    5. When DoR receives an approved federal contract containing the E-Verify clause (73 FR 6770), it will notify the PI associated with the contract, who will then contact Human Resources to provide instructions.

    6. Policies regarding acceptance and management of an awarded grant can be found in UPPS No. 02.02.02, Sponsored Programs - Post Award.


    1. Proposal and award information for nongovernmental sponsored projects is made available to UA through the proposal management system and is reviewed by UA to determine if an award will be submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) for potential Texas Research Incentive Program (TRIP) matching funds.

    2. UA monitors TRIP submissions to THECB and oversees associated funding received on behalf of these awards


    1. Reviewers of this UPPS include the following:

      Senior Director, Sponsored ProgramsJuly 1 ONY
      Director, University AdvancementJuly 1 ONY
      Assistant Vice President for ResearchJuly 1 ONY
      Associate Vice President for University AdvancementJuly 1 ONY
      Vice President for ResearchJuly 1 ONY

    This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

    Assistant Vice President for Research

    Vice President for Research; senior reviewer of this UPPS
